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党的十六届三中全会《决定》提出“进一步完善财政转移支付制度,加大对中西部和民族地区的财政支持”的要求,是今后财政改革与发展必须高度重视、认真解决的重大实践任务与理论课题。笔者认为:进一步完善财政转移支付制度的根本之道,在于实现财政转移支付制度的法制化,也就是用 The “Decision” of the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee Proposing the Requirement of “Further Perfecting the Financial Transfer Payment System and Increasing Financial Support to Central, Western and Ethnic Regions” is a Major Practice That Must Pay Great Attention and Seriously to the Financial Reform and Development in the Future Tasks and theoretical topics. The author thinks: The fundamental way to further improve the financial transfer payment system is to realize the legalization of the fiscal transfer payment system, that is to say,
【Abstract】Idioms, which contain abundant cultural contents and profound truths, are known as one of the features of Chinese. And schemata refer to the knowledge and experience in human brain. The diff
Introduction  Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) was a famous literary celebrity in the history of British literature. In Hardy’s 88 years of life, he had experienced the years of the old world and the years of
悟性孔奇1950年出生于湖北通山一个书香世家,祖籍山东曲阜,系孔子第75代孙。孔奇从小受父亲书法艺术的熏陶,本是军人的他,在一个偶然的机会中,巧遇中 Perception Kongqi wa
2007年3月8日——中国国家立法机进一步讨论了划时代的物权法以及逐步调整外资及国内企业的税率问题。 March 8, 2007 - China’s National Legislature further discussed