居家老板 工作持家两不误

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昆莎任职行政工作,每天在岗时间很长,常需在冰箱上贴字条来和大女儿互相留话。她打定主意不再让五岁的小女儿安蒂过这种日子。她辞去医院化验师的职务,想找份可以在家做的差事。有一次,某公司主管问她能否帮他策划演讲会。她觉得这份差使不错,不久她就自己开设了“演说与 Kunsha is in charge of administration, working long hours each day, and often needs to stick a note on the fridge to talk to her older daughter. She set her mind to stop Antti, a five-year-old daughter, from spending that day. She resigned as a laboratory chemist, looking for a job that she could do at home. Once, a company executive asked if she could plan a speech for him. She thought the difference was not bad, and soon she set up her own “speech and.”
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