档案工作是一项重要而又平凡的事业,但许多人并不了解。有人认为,一把钥匙、几本目录、几十个柜子能找到实现自我价值的位置吗?干得再好,也不过是个“保管员”。然而,全国政协档案处处长彭光同志硬是在这平凡的岗位上,默默耕耘,无私奉献,为政协机关的档案工作、为国家的档案事业,做出了不同凡响的业绩。 1965年,由于工作需要,他走上了档案工作这个岗位,当领导将一把沉甸甸的钥匙放到他的手中时,这个生在革命老区,当年是儿童团和除奸组里的积极分子,喝家乡水长大的农家子,便下定决心,做好工作,让领导放心。从此他一心扑在工作上,一干就是整整26个春秋。 一、做好收集工作是做好档案工作的基础 收集工作是档案工作的起点。26年来,彭光同志
Archival work is an important and mundane undertaking, but many people do not understand it. Some people think that a key, a few catalogs, dozens of cabinets can find a place to achieve self-worth? Doing no better, but also a “custodian.” However, Comrade Peng Guang, Director of the Archives Division of the CPPCC National Committee, made an extraordinary contribution to the file work of the CPPCC for his work in this ordinary post, silently and unselfishly. In 1965, due to the need of work, he embarked on the job of archival work. When the leader put a heavy key in his hand, he was born in the old revolutionary base areas. He was an activist in the Children’s League and the Zunyi group. He drank Nongjiazi, who grew up in his hometown, decided to do his job and be assured of leadership. Since then he bent on work, a dry is a full 26 spring. First, do a good job of collection is the basis of archival work Collection is the starting point for archival work. In the past 26 years, Comrade Peng Guang