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“捡”回新娘:在一场激烈的足球角逐中,巴西名将罗马里奥一脚劲射使球飞到了观众席上,被一位金发女郎稳稳接住。此时,姑娘并未将球扔出,而是待罗马里奥跑到她身边时才将球交出。赛后,他们相识、相爱了。为了纪念他们浪漫而偶然的相遇,婚礼就在当年的足球场上举行。天公下雨鞋当球:1935年在德国柏林举行的一场足球比赛中,天忽然降下大雨。一球员射门时因鞋带断了而使鞋与球同时飞向球门。在密雨中,守门员只见同时飞来两物,慌乱中接住一个,谁知接住的却是一只球鞋,而足球已入网底。口技失灵自己上当:在一次乌拉圭与客队的比赛中,当对方前锋突破逼向球门时,擅长口技的守门员奥尔蒂斯摹仿裁判员哨声吹响,这位前锋果真将球停住。不料,奥尔蒂斯的队友也误以为裁判哨响,跑上去用手抢球。此时,裁判哨声真的响起,己方被裁判手球,对方罚点球 “Pick up ” back to the bride: In a fierce football match, the Brazilian star Romario kicked the ball fly to the audience, was a blonde firmly caught. At this point, the girl did not throw the ball, but only when Romario ran to her before handing over the ball. After the match, they met and fell in love. In honor of their romantic and accidental encounter, the wedding was held on the football pitch of the year. Rainy day when the ball when the ball: 1935 in Berlin, Germany, a football match, the day suddenly downpour. When a player shot because the shoe is broken so that shoes and ball fly to the goal at the same time. In the rain, the goalkeeper saw two objects flying at the same time, catch a confusion, who knows is caught a shoe, and football has been the end of the net. Stuttering his own fool of myself: In a Uruguay game with the visiting team, when the other striker broke the ball to the goal, good goalkeeper Ortiz imitation referee whistle sounded, the striker really stopped the ball. Unexpectedly, Ortiz’s teammates mistakenly think the referee whistle, ran up to grab the ball by hand. At this point, the referee whistle really sounded, one’s own handball was referee, the other penalty kick
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