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【目的】为了分析阿尔泰山地针叶主要树种生物量分配格局,【方法】基于2012、2013年研究区西伯利亚云杉(Picea obovata)和西伯利亚落叶松(Larix sibirica)实测样木,从年龄、径阶、林分郁闭度等角度,分析树木各组分器官生物量比例变化规律。【结果】两树种树干占整株树木地上生物量比例分别为48.1%、61.9%;云杉枝、叶占地上生物量比例均高于西伯利亚落叶松;两树种地上总生物量占整株生物量比例分别为79.8%和79.5%,平均根冠比为0.268和0.270。西伯利亚云杉树干生物量随径阶增大而提高,树叶和树根生物量随径阶增大而降低,树枝生物量随径阶变化幅度较小。西伯利亚落叶松树干生物量随径阶增大而提高,但在30 cm以上径阶比例稍有降低,树枝、树叶生物量与树干生物量呈相反变化趋势。两树种树干生物量均随年龄增加而提高,树枝、树叶生物量随年龄增加而降低。西伯利亚云杉树根生物量随年龄增加而降低,西伯利亚落叶松树根生物量随年龄增加呈先降后增的趋势。西伯利亚云杉树干生物量随郁闭度增加而提高,树枝、树叶和树根生物量随郁闭度增加而降低。西伯利亚落叶松总体上随郁闭度增加树干生物量呈先降后升趋势,树枝和树根生物量变化趋势与树干相反,树叶生物量随郁闭度增加而降低,但变化幅度很小。【结论】西伯利亚云杉和落叶松各组织器官生物量比例均呈现树干>树根>树枝>树叶的趋势。随径阶、年龄、郁闭度增大,西伯利亚云杉树干生物量所占比例逐渐提高,树叶比例则逐渐降低,树枝与树根生物量此消彼长。西伯利亚落叶松各器官生物量所占比例在不同径阶、年龄和郁闭度条件下虽有变化,但幅度不大,总体趋势不变。 【Objective】 In order to analyze the pattern of biomass allocation of major tree species in mountain Altai, 【Method】 Based on the measured wood samples of Picea obovata and Larix sibirica in 2012 and 2013 in the study area, , Canopy density and other perspectives, analysis of the tree biomass changes in the proportion of various components of the law. 【Result】 The results showed that the aboveground biomass of the two tree species accounted for 48.1% and 61.9% of the total tree biomass, respectively. The aboveground biomass of spruce branches and leaves was higher than that of Siberian Larch. The proportions were 79.8% and 79.5%, respectively. The average root / shoot ratio was 0.268 and 0.270 respectively. The biomass of trunk of Spruce (Siberian spruce) increased with the increase of diameter. The biomass of leaves and roots decreased with the increase of diameter. The variation of branch biomass with diameter was smaller. The biomass of Larix siberia larch trunk increased with the increase of diameter, but the proportion of diameter above 30 cm slightly decreased. The biomass of branches, leaves and trunk showed the opposite trend. The biomass of two tree species increased with age, and the biomass of tree branches and leaves decreased with age. The biomass of the roots of Siberian spruce decreased with the increase of age, and the root biomass of Larix sibirica larch had the trend to decrease first and then increase with age. The biomass of trunk of Siberian spruce increased with the increase of canopy density, while the biomass of branches, leaves and roots decreased with the increase of canopy density. Generally, the Larix sibirica larch biomass increased with the canopy density decreasing first and then increasing. The biomass and the biomass of the branches and roots changed inversely with the trunk. The biomass of the leaves decreased with the increase of the canopy density, but the variation range was small. 【Conclusion】 The biomass of organs and tissues of spruce and larch in Siberian all showed the tendency of trunk> tree root> tree branch> leaf. With the diameter, age, canopy density increased, the proportion of Siberian spruce trunk biomass gradually increased, the proportion of leaves was gradually reduced, the branch and the root biomass of the shift. Siberian larch biomass of various organs in different diameter classes, age and canopy density despite the changes, but the magnitude is not large, the overall trend remains unchanged.
[目的]为了获得虫龄整齐、生理状态一致的幼虫及虫体内无松材线虫的成虫,开展了松墨天牛的室内人工饲育技术研究.[方法]利用自行配制的人工饲料3种配方:A(松树木屑100 g+琼脂
安莉芳内衣潮流趋势大秀在深圳会展中心5号馆华丽上演,为2018年SIUF中国(深圳)国际品牌内衣展览会开幕式拉开帷幕.秀场以POWERLADY、SPORT HONEY动感甜心、SWEET MAN好色先生
摘 要:目的 探讨反季节大棚蔬菜种植技术的种植效果,归纳、总结种植经验。方法 选择2016年10月~2017年1月期间本地某蔬菜种植场的一个面积为4亩的西红柿大棚为试验研究对象,对其实施反季节大棚蔬菜种植技术,然后对比其同其他常规大棚种植的产量。结果 经过一段时期种植后,接受反季节大棚蔬菜种植技术的蔬菜产量相较于常规种植产量高出33.5%。结论 通过实施反季节大棚蔬菜种植技术,可以显著改善蔬菜种植