Binding of circulating autoantibodies in breast cancer to native and peroxynitrite-modified RNA

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biote | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:drally
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Peroxynitrite(ONOO) is a powerful oxidant and nitrosative agent and has in vivo existence.The half life of ONOO at physiological pH is less than 1 s.It can react with nucleic acids,proteins,lipoproteins,saccharides,cardiolipin,etc.,and can modify their native structures.Action of ONOO,synthesized in the authors’ laboratory by a rapid quenched flow process,on structural changes of commercially available RNA was studied by ultraviolet(UV),fluorescence,and agarose gel electrophoresis.Compared to native RNA,the ONOO-modified RNA showed hyperchromicity at 260 nm.Furthermore,the ethidium bromide(EtBr) assisted emission intensities of ONOO-modified RNA samples were found to be lower than the emission intensity of native RNA-EtBr complex.Agarose gel electrophoresis of ONOO-modified RNA showed a gradual decrease in band intensities compared to native RNA,an observation clearly due to the poor intercalation of EtBr with ONOO-modified RNA.Native and ONOO-modified RNA samples were used as an antigen to detect autoantibodies in sera of patients with clinically defined breast cancer.Both direct binding and inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) confirmed the prevalence of native and 0.8 mmol/L ONOO-modified RNA specific autoantibodies in breast cancer patients.Moreover,the progressive retardation in the mobility of immune complexes formed with native or 0.8 mmol/L ONOO-modified RNA and affinity purified immunoglobulin G(IgG) from sera of breast cancer patients supports the findings of the direct binding and inhibition ELISAs.The peroxynitrite treatment to RNA at a higher concentration appears to have damaged or destroyed the typical epitopes on RNA and thus there was a sharp decrease in autoantibodies binding to 1.4 mmol/L ONOO-modified RNA.It may be interpreted that cellular nitrosative stress can modify and confer immunogenicity on RNA molecules.Higher concentrations of nitrogen reactive species can be detrimental to RNA.However,the emergence of native as well as 0.8 mmol/L ONOO-modified RNA as a novel antigen/substrate for autoantibodies in breast cancer patients indicates that,in future,these molecules might find a place on the panel of antigens for early diagnosis of breast cancer. Peroxynitrite (ONOO) is a powerful oxidant and nitrosative agent and has in vivo existence. The half life of ONOO at physiological pH is less than 1 s. It can react with nucleic acids, proteins, lipoproteins, saccharides, cardiolipin, etc., and can modify their native structures. Action of ONOO, synthesized in the authors’ laboratory by a rapid quenched flow process, on structural changes of commercially available RNA was studied by ultraviolet (UV), fluorescence, and agarose gel electrophoresis. Compared to native RNA, the ONOO-modified RNA showed hyperchromicity at 260 nm. The Thermoremore, the ethidium bromide (EtBr) assisted emission intensities of ONOO-modified RNA samples were found to be lower than the emission intensity of native RNA-EtBr complex. Acegar gel electrophoresis of ONOO- modified RNA showed a gradual decrease in band intensities compared to native RNA, an observation clearly due to the poor intercalation of EtBr with ONOO-modified RNA. Native and ONOO-modified RNA samples were used as an antig en to detect autoantibodies in sera of patients with clinically defined breast cancer. Both direct binding and inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) confirmed the prevalence of native and 0.8 mmol / L ONOO-modified RNA specific autoantibodies in breast cancer patients. Moreover, the progressive retardation in the mobility of immune complexes formed with native or 0.8 mmol / L ONOO-modified RNA and affinity-purified immunoglobulin G (IgG) from sera of breast cancer patients supports the findings of the direct binding and inhibition ELISAs. the peroxynitrite treatment to RNA at a higher concentration appears to have damaged or destroyed the specific epitopes on RNA and there was a sharp decrease in autoantibodies binding to 1.4 mmol / L ONOO-modified RNA. It may be interpreted that cellular nitrosative stress can modify and confer immunogenicity on RNA molecules. Hexen concentrations of nitrogen reactive species can be detrimental to RNA. However, the emergence of native as well as 0.8 mmol / L ONOO-modified RNA as a novel antigen / substrate for autoantibodies in breast cancer patients that that in the future, these molecules might find a place on the panel of antigens for early diagnosis of breast cancer.
目的 了解我国10个主要城市金黄色葡萄球菌近两年耐药情况及其分子流行病学.方法 共收集2010到2011全国10个城市12所教学综合医院的507株非重复金黄色葡萄球菌,所有菌株进行20种药物敏感性检测及其spa分子分型分析.结果 甲氧西林耐药的金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)的流行率是52.9% (268/507),多重耐药率高达97.4% (261/268),而甲氧西林敏感金黄色葡萄球菌(MSSA)的
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自封“大侦探”的李聪是我们班上的“快乐之神”。这位大侦探一天到晚一副神神秘秘、鬼头鬼脑的样子。  一天,同学们上学时,看见教室里的花盆被打翻在地,同学们刚要清理碎花盆,被李聪拦住了。他厉声问:“你们这是干什么?你们这叫破坏作案现场,懂不懂?要不是我李侦探及时赶到,你们就犯下弥天大错了!”听了这话,同学们顿时哄堂大笑,笑声中,李聪用椅子将“犯案现场”封锁了。只见他眯起小眼,从怀里摸出一把放大镜,对着