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在英语中“ability,capacity,capability,aptitude,faculty,talent,gift,genius”等等,都可用来表达汉语中的“能力,才干”,有些被视为同义词或近义词。但由于着眼点不同,其含义上有些细微的差别,且用法也往往各有侧重。现就其含义及用法的差别进行解释、对比分述如下: 1.ability:才能,是最常用的词,它可指天生的,也包括后天习得的。该词与“talent,genius”不同之处是可指后天习得的能力。例如: ①She has the abitlity to swim tike a fish.她有像鱼一样游泳的本领。 In English, “ability, capacity, capability, aptitude, faculty, talent, gift, genius” and so on can all be used to express “abilities, talents” in Chinese, and some are considered synonymous or synonyms. However, due to their different focus, there are some subtle differences in their meanings, and the usage tends to have different focuses. Now explain the difference between its meaning and usage, and compare the scores as follows: 1.ability: Talent is the most commonly used word. It can refer to both natural and acquired. The difference between this word and “talent,genius” is that it can refer to the acquired ability. For example: 1She has the abitlity to swim tike a fish. She has the ability to swim like a fish.
1. I am behind you.   “I am behind you.”这句话意为“我支持你。”常常用来对举棋不定的朋友表示鼓励。其中behind在这里有“作后盾”的意思。例如:  ——Whatever decision you’re going to make, I am behind you.   不管你的决定是什么,我都支持你。  ——Thank you. 谢谢。  2. You b
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