Establishment of Travel Health Care Clinics in China and Professional Management

来源 :旅行医学科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:davesd
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Travel medicine is a new multilateral subject which are developing rapidly and are taken seriously by all countries in the world. Establishment of travel health care clinics is just a practice of travel medicine. As the upsurge and development of tourism, international travellers required more diversified , more individuated and higherlevel medical succour and health care during travelling period . How to adapt to the changes of circumstances and tosatisfy the travellers’ requirement? It is very critical to establish and develop the travel health care clinics in welltravelled China and that was of realistic feasibility in the meantime. In this paper, four aspects were mainly discussed as follows: the background of China International Travel Health Care Association(CITHA) establishing travel health care clinics , the requirements, tasks and evaluation standards of establishment of travel health care clinics, the professional management and feasibility assessment of travel health care clinics. CITHA had organized experts to establish many travel health care clinics in 60 well - travelled cities and big ports all over the country. The service styles of these clinics differed from that of other specialized medical services supplied by hospitals. These clinics provided travel health care service to travellers in an all - round way during whole journey by centering on travellers, providing health care service mainly to touring parties, taking the population of some certain communities in ports as our working scope, aiming at travellers’ health, being directed by preventive medicine, providing integrated health service included health education, travel consultation, preventive inoculation, regular physical examination, medical service and succour and offering various articles for health care, etc. All of the general practitioners in these clinics had been received specialized training, and they were competent for the common medical service and succour, and to provide effective, economical and satisfactory medical and health care services.In a word, it was advantageous in every respect to carry forward the establishment and professional management of travel health care clinics. Only by grasping travel health care service, could the requirement of travellers be satisfied in an all - round way, could the effective, economical medical and health care system be set up, could China international travel health care system be established, the requirement of social development in the 21st century be satisfied. Travel medicine is a new multilateral subject which are developing rapidly and are taken seriously by all countries in the world. Establishment of travel health care clinics just just a practice of travel medicine. As the upsurge and development of tourism, international travellers required more diversified, More individuated and higherlevel medical succour and health care during passing . How to adapt to the changes of circumstances and tosatisfy the travellers’ requirement? It is very critical to establish and develop the travel health care clinics in welltravelled China and that was of the alpha of In the meantime. In this paper, four aspects were mainly discussed as follows: the background of China International Travel Health Care Association (CITHA) build travel health care clinics, the requirements, tasks and evaluation standards of establishment of travel health care clinics, the Professional management and feasibility assessment of travel health care cl Inics. CITHA had organized genics to establish many travel health care clinics in 60 well - travelled cities and big ports all over the country. The service styles of these clinics differed from that of other specialized medical services supplied by hospitals. These clinics provided travel health. Care service to travellers in an all - round way during the journey of centering on travellers, providing health care service mainly to touring parties, taking the population of some certain communities in ports as our working scope, aiming at travellers’ health, being directed by Preventive medicine, providing integrated medical service included health education, travel consultation, preventive inoculation, regular physical examination, medical service and succour and presents various articles for health care, etc. All of the general practitioners in these clinics had been received specialized training, and They were competent for the common medical service and succour, and to provide effecTive, economical and satisfactory medical and health care services.In a word, it was advantageous in every respect to carry forward the establishment and professional management of travel health care clinics. Only by grasping travel health care service, could the requirement of travellers be satisfied In an all - round way, could the effective, economical medical and health care system be set up, could China international travel health care system be established, the requirement of social development in the 21st century be satisfied.
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