
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lw10251
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团是“四好运动”中对连队实行面对面领导的单位,也是除害灭病三年规划中几种主要指标的基本计算单位,是连队开展除害灭病工作的具体组织者和技术指导者。因此,改进团卫生队的工作方法,是作好除害灭病工作的一个重要问题。我团从1960年以来,部队的几种主要发病率逐年下降,1962年全面完成了除害灭病三年规划的各种灭病指标,其中痢疾和肠炎的发病率均低于指标,傅染性肝炎和食物中毒连续三年没有发生。现就团卫生队在除害灭病中的工作方法问题提出如下几点初步体会: The regiment is the unit that leads the company in face to face and is also the basic unit of calculation for several key indicators in the three-year plan for the elimination of disease and pests. It is also the specific organizer and technology for the company to carry out the work of pest control and disease elimination Director. Therefore, improving the working methods of the CYL team is an important issue in the work of eliminating and eliminating diseases. Since 1960, the number of major troop incidences in our army has been declining year by year. In 1962, various indicators of extinction for the three-year plan to eliminate and eradicate pests were completed. The incidences of dysentery and enteritis were all below the targets, Sexual hepatitis and food poisoning did not happen for three consecutive years. Now on the team health team in the pest elimination of the working methods put forward the following preliminary experience:
本文探讨高剂量浓缩二丙酸氯地米松(BDP)对慢性哮喘病人的疗效。选择31例需要长期使用皮质类固醇治疗的慢性严重哮喘患者,用双盲法随机实验6个月,BDP 气雾剂2000μg/d(13例)
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