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  There can be no doubt that jazz has made me a better person than I would have been without it. The music inspires my passion to participate fully and richly in life....but jazz has also made me a better basketball player.
  -Kareem Abdul-Jabar-
  One summer when I was a kid, circa 1989, I went to a day-camp at the YMCA①. I arrived one morning to find everyone gathered around this one kid who had a brand new pair of Air Jordans. Man, he was the coolest kid in the whole camp. I was six, maybe seven, and I still remember the impact this little kid’s shoes had on everyone else. Basketball must be really cool, I thought. We spent the rest of that summer dribbling and shooting and passing throwing basketballs around the court. Even at a young age, my personality was already squarely in the "going against the grain" category, so I dismissed Jordan, and promptly chose everyone’s favorite role-model, Charles Barkley, as my b-ball hero.
  Another early childhood memory I have is riding in the car with my father on September 28, 1991. The lady on NPR was talking about Miles Davis, who had just died. I asked my pops if Miles was the best trumpet player in the world, and he replied with something that took me maybe 15 years to fully comprhend. I’m a competitive person, and I generally prefer absolutes in life, but my wise old-man said something like, "Music is not a competition. At the highest levels it is all subjective. Jazz is about expressing the human condition, it is not about being ’better’ than someone." I’m sure he said it in a way a kid could understand, but that thought has lived inside me ever since.
  These two distinct events have come to define who I am today .
  The Head
  Two of the biggest passions in my life are music and basketball, specifically jazz and the Spurs. At first glance they may seem a strange pair. Basketball has set plays, just as most jazz has a set of chord changes. In basketball we see a team run a play, but within that play we see the players react to the activity on the court and improvise within it. Similarly, jazz, the kind of jazz I’m talking about -- hard bop and’modern’, not that smooth junk that Kenny G has made a fortune selling -- has it’s own plays.   我这一辈子有两个最大的爱好,就是音乐和篮球,我尤其喜欢爵士乐和马刺队。第一眼看过去,这也许是很奇怪的对比。篮球有着固定的战术,就像大多数爵士乐一样,有着相同的和弦变化。在篮球中,我们能看到球队打固定战术,但在跑固定战术时,我们能看到球员根据场上形势做出反应,即兴发挥。与此类似,我所说的爵士乐——也就是硬派波普爵士和“现代”爵士,而不是肯尼·G大卖的那种垃圾轻柔爵士——也有固定的旋律变化。
  On a typical hard bop tune the band will play a written melody over set chord changes (in the jazz vernacular this written melody is called, the head). After the head, the band generally gives each player in the group an opportunity to solo/improvise over the chord changes. During this improvisation (and for me, this improvisation pretty much defines the heart of jazz) the band plays off each other - reacting to what the other members of the band are playing within the chord changes. There is structure, but at it’s greatest it is just a loose structure. If the band has it’s ears and hearts open, fully tunedin to each other, then one-of-a-kind moments of beauty happen. The expression of being human -- from the dizzying highs, through the creamy middles, to the terrifying lows -- flows freely from the artists, through their instruments, into music.

  Basketball shares this improvisation-withinstructure, or playing the changes, with jazz. The game is full of set motion, but when the initial play is unsuccessful we see players react to this new reality in practiced, but spontaneous ways. This result is born out of something a team has rehearsed many times, but in the flow of a game something within the play may change. A defender may make a well-timed or unexpected rotation, the ball-handler may lose control, or an offensive player may exploit an open lane with a well-timed cut. This changes the landscape of the court, and forces players to find creative solutions within it. Some of the most exciting plays in basketball occur when this happens. For instance, in the game against the Hawks, this happened.
  The most classic jazz combo is a quintet, which parallels a basketball team’s five players on the court. As much as we hear about the hypothetical "who would win oneon-one: Jordan or LeBron?" the question itself is immaterial. Basketball is not a one-on-one game. I find that kind of what if question goes against the understanding that basketball is a team sport. In an extension of this, the individual awards the media hands out are meaningless, especially given the fact that there are no parameters set for any of them.   最经典的爵士乐是五重奏,这正好对应了篮球场上五名球员。尽管我们总会听到各种假设的“一对一谁会赢:乔丹还是勒布朗?”这种问题,但这种问题本身却没有实质意义。篮球并非一挑一比赛。我发现这种问题有悖于篮球是团队运动的本质。进一步说,媒体颁发的个人奖项毫无意义,尤其关键的是,这类奖项没有任何评价标准。
  Just like basketball isn’t an individual sport, good jazz isn’t made by one great player and a bunch of guys pulled together to complete the combo. Just because you have a great player doesn’t mean that the group is going to perform something that anyone wants to hear. A group like that is almost guaranteed to be incapable of producing music that will move an audience. In basketball, having a good player, say Carmelo Anthony, doesn’t mean that the team is going to have success on the court.
  Watching the Spurs on a nightly basis gives us a view into what makes them work as a team. We don’t just see them play a couple of times a year, but we get to witness every pick and roll that Tim and Tony run together. We’ve seen some iteration of that thousands of times, but each time we get to see the same base play run and finish in a slightly different way. Whether it’s a simple lay-up off the glass or a kick out to an open shooter, each time we see a play run, it exists in it’s own unique way. It’s what keeps me coming back for every regular season contest.
  If you had caught Miles Davis’ quintet in the mid-sixties on a week-long stand you would have heard the same tunes every night, but never in the same way. To the discerning ear, even a tune that sounded the same on the surface would provide a different narrative, and a fresh view, the next night.

  I think the regular season would be more enjoyable, and much more competitive, with fewer games. We can change that later. I don’t want to miss out on any of the hum-drum, dayto-day plays that we enjoy on a nightly basis from our two legends that will be gone before we are ready to say goodbye. While some have found a way to be bored by Tim and Manu, I’ll miss their one-of-a-kind play. From the banker, to the drive through the lane filled with euro-steps and behind the back moves. The subtle, and the not-so-subtle, pump-fakes that each has made a staple of their games.
  Manu has the fire, the drive to explore a defense, and the technique to find his way out a jam. Duncan, in his quiet glory, always laid down the foundation, never missing a thing --always an anchor for the lost. Knocking down a 14-footer to remind you he was still carrying the fire.
应俄罗斯总统普京邀请前往索契的中国国家主席习近平在第22届冬奥会开幕式上看到了更多的中国元素——除了中国、中国香港和中华台北代表团之外,还有两支由中国运动品牌匹克赞助的两个国家代表团。在2月8日凌晨开幕的索契冬奥会开幕式上,新西兰和斯洛文尼亚代表团身着匹克最新研制的冬季装备在这场全球瞩目的“服装秀”中格外耀眼。  此次匹克赞助斯洛文尼亚冬奥会代表团的装备包括运动服装、鞋帽与各类配件,融合了斯洛文尼
耐克始终坚持通过创新科技让运动员有更出色的表现,而万众瞩目的KOBE 9 ELITE Masterpiece就是最好的验证。同时,耐克将设计推向极致的热情,也通过KOBE 9 ELITE Masterpiece的细节中得到充分的证明。  在这里,我们将以独家的视角解读KOBE 9 ELITE Masterpiece的创新故事,分享来自耐克设计师Eric Avar关于这双具有突破性的篮球鞋的九个设计
大约10岁的时候,我就开始了亲笔签名的收藏。现在我有了2000多份亲笔签名,其中大半是NBA球星的。而这其中,又有492人恰巧是SLAM《NBA史上最佳500球员》特刊中的球员。至于我没有拿到的那8个球员签名,我可以保证其中7人我有签过集换卡,并放进了包装盒里,只是之后卖给了别人。而唯一缺少的沃尔特·杜克斯(Walter Dukes,我们榜单上的第243位)在1964年就退役了,那个时代远早于签名
2013年5月20日,一场EF5级的龙卷风重创俄克拉荷马州摩尔市,23人在灾难中丧生,1100多户家庭流离失所。面对风暴过后满目疮痍的小城,赶到现场的记者用“战区”来形容眼前的景象,其状之惨烈令全美都为之震惊。在接下来的几天中,俄克拉荷马雷霆的球员走访了重灾区,倾其所能为灾民提供各种援助。对绝大多数球员来说,这无疑是他们见过最可怕的画面,甚至会让人感到有些不真实。  塞尔日·伊巴卡也随队来到了摩尔
这对我的意义实在太重大了……  俄勒冈,我就来自那,看着我的那些前辈,凯文·勒夫、凯尔·辛格勒和达蒙·斯塔德迈尔,他们给了我动力。我离华盛顿州的西雅图很近,这让我有机会和大学球员以及NBA球员交手,他们都让我为现在的比赛做好了最充分的准备。  在休斯敦火箭……  我真的很喜欢这。能成为火箭的一员,有一位名人堂级的教练,能和詹姆斯·哈登以及德怀特·霍华德这些人成为队友,感觉特别好。只要能帮助球队赢球
1.魔术师VS伯德  (1984年5月至6月)  斯特恩在1984年2月1日接任NBA总裁,四个月后,NBA的梦幻对决——凯尔特人和湖人的总决赛——就实现了。这是“魔术师”约翰逊和拉里·伯德在1979年史诗般的NCAA决赛对决后第一次在NBA季后赛中相遇。尽管他们两人在1984年之前都拿下过总冠军,但1984年的总决赛续写了NBA史上最精彩的宿敌之战,也是这次总决赛奠定了斯特恩对于NBA的追求——
SLAM:你是布鲁克林哪里人?  TG:我在格林堡长大。那地方生活不易,现在还是那样。总是能看到年轻人因为愚蠢丢掉性命,每天都有人被抓,被送到州区的监狱,总是有人死去。这样的经历会给人造成心理创伤,你得想办法让自己不要走上那样的路。很幸运,我从那里走出来了。  SLAM:最开始打篮球时,你几岁?  TG:差不多5岁。我见过“魔鬼”ED.史密斯①,他跟我住在一个街区,他是街球传奇。我一直看他打球,因
钱德勒·帕森斯  1988年10月25日/2.06米/103公斤/SF/达拉斯小牛  钱德勒·帕森斯被中国球迷戏称为“高富帅”,但在富豪如山的NBA,他上赛季的薪水仅为92万,绝对贫下中农的收入。  2011年第二轮第八顺位被火箭选中的他,上赛季常规赛场均16.5分5.5板4.0助攻,可谓是低薪高能的代表人物。  帕森斯的爷爷叫做唐·帕森斯,1950年曾在第六轮被尼克斯选中,但他拒绝了对方一年38
对于即将开始的新赛季,清华大学的球迷早就已经迫不及待了。你得理解他们的心情,未来几个月,清华都将是CUBA的夺冠热门,而他们的唯一目标也就是斩获校史以来的第一个全国总冠军。看看球队的花名册吧,从头到尾,在主教练董志权手下,每一个名字都是值得期待的。不过对于那些追捧清华的人而言,金广祝和班铎才是他们相信冠军会降临的理由。  清华离冠军曾经近在咫尺,2011年,在摧枯拉朽般杀入四强赛后,他们经历三加时