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翠桃的脚往河里的石头上一踩,就忧忧郁郁地想,和丈夫文宝咋闹到离婚的地步呢?她自己也觉得奇怪,昨夜一场大吵,今儿咋就气鼓鼓地去乡里办离婚手续呢?去乡里需经过村头的这条小河,已是秋天,河水浅浅的,仅能闷住脚脖,不过天一麻黑,河水就会骤涨,人往里一跳,水能把裤腰围住。河里搁些石块,水落后,石头露了出来,人可踩着石头,趔趔趄趄地走过去。文宝已跨过小河了,翠桃刚往石头上一踩,就觉得有股凉气,铁丝样地哧溜哧溜往脚心钻去。翠桃赶紧把脚收回了,她瞅着河道,发现河水变得清清冷冷的,仔细瞅,河水似乎死死地待着,并没流动,它们把石头严严地拥着,好像安安静静 Footstep foot to the river stone on a tread, sadly depressed to think, and her husband Wenbao yelling to the point of divorce? She also felt strange last night a quarrel, ye ye gas drum Drum to go to the village to do divorce formalities go to the village need to go through the village of this small river is already autumn, the river shallow, can only bite the neck, but Tianyi hemp, the river will surge, people go In a jump, water can surround the waistband. Put some stones in the river, the water landed, the stone exposed, people can step on the stone, staggered walked over. Wen Bao has crossed the river, and the green peach just stepped on a stone, you feel a stock Liang Qi, wire like stroll to the toe drill. Emerald peasants quickly took their feet back, she looked at the river and found that the river has become clear and cold, take a closer look, the river seems to be waiting dead, did not flow, they hold the stone tightly, as if quiet
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<正> 美国的法律制度也许临近崩溃点了。它在咳嗽喘气,变得完全不象二十年前那种样子。它的病不轻了。法院曾经有过承担更重的责任并能驾驭这些责任的能力,现在这种能力已经减弱。国会和州的立法机关也在怂恿这种减弱。律师界也已经把收益装进了腰包而对面临的事听之任之。心神不安的公众被告知要把这些事情留给专门家去处理——就是那些应该对审判拖延了
近日从武汉钢铁有限公司了解到,由该公司牵头、23家单位共同参与的“高性能桥梁用钢”项目正式立项,被纳入国家重点研发计划,获1 427万元中央财政经费支持。“钢材性能指标是
5月26日,编组55辆、运量4 842 t的86306次列车正点从南岔站始发,奔赴小合隆站,哈尔滨铁路局精心设计的西林钢材“点对点”始发直达列车实现客车化开行。过去,西林钢铁集团发
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