Lessons from Transient "Triumphalism" in China's Neighboring Diplomacy

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This article aims to identify some lessons from China' s neighboring diplomacy in the two years prior to the 18th National Congress of the CPC(November 8-14,2012). Angered by the legally absurd and politically provocative Doctrine of Seiji Maehara (former Japanese foreign minister,September 2010-March 2011,under the Naoto Kan cabinet of the Japanese Democratic Party),who flatly denied any territorial dispute with China,sentiments of "triumphalism" burst out among the Chinese people,especially the military,some government ministries,the major state-owned companies,and social media.This put heavy pressure on China's neighboring diplomacy,and doubts even appeared about the late leader Deng Xiaoping's policy of "shelving disputes for common development" amid the atmosphere of unilateral oil/gas explorations by other countries regardless of repeated protests from China.Even so,in September 2011,the Chinese government reiterated Deng's principle in the official White Paper entitled "China's Peaceful Development".The following month saw the visit to China of the General Secretary of the Vietnamese Communist Party,and the bilateral agreement over restraining open disputes,which evidently relaxed tensions between the two sides.Roughly two months later,then Vice President Xi Jinping paid a reciprocal visit to Hanoi,a trip that cemented the just-obtained relaxation in state relations.
本季美肤界悄然兴起了一股啤酒风,许多漂亮MM们,不再购进新的护肤品,而改用冰箱里的啤酒进行肌肤护理。奇怪的是,大家都交口称赞,啤酒美容的功效特别好哦!现在就给大家介绍这些本季最IN的啤酒美容护发秘方,大家一起来学学怎样做个光彩照人的啤酒美人吧!    啤酒美容解析:  啤酒泡沫丰富,甘味别致,内含丰富的蛋白质、糖分、多种维生素和氨基酸等。酒花是啤酒酿制的重要原料,为多年生桑科植物,具有特殊的芳香气
President Xi Jinping's recent attendance at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summits,visits to Centr
金猴集团始建于1951年,拥有资产40多亿元,职工 6000多人,主要生产皮鞋、皮具、服装等产品,并从事进出口贸易、房地产开发、金融、投资、物流、酒店等第三产业。1998年改制以来,公司坚持强管理,创品牌,增效益,促发展的品牌发展战略,先后培育出“金猴”皮鞋、皮具两个“驰名商标”和两个“中国名牌”,2010年金猴集团技术中心荣升为“国家认定企业技术中心”,并跻身“中国轻工业皮革行业十强企业”第二名
拥有细腻光滑的皮肤,是每个MM梦寐以求的,但是现实往往有一点点残酷。如果你仔细观察,便不难发现很多人鼻尖上都有讨厌的黑头,这些皮肤常见的“黑客”实在是影响一个人的美观,很多人常年受黑头的骚扰但是却对黑头无计可施。对此,你必须要学会耐心地打一场黑头歼灭战,从今天开始,就让黑头远离我们清新的脸庞吧!    NO1:认识黑头  黑头是硬化油脂阻塞物,通常出现在面部的额头、鼻子等部位。当油脂腺受到过分刺激