EngIish Language CampaignersBlast Public Signs 评击废话英语

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  Campaigners for the EngIish language attacked a growing tendency for“obVioUS”pubIic information posters.such as a poliice s'ign urging peopIe:“Don't Commic Crime.”other exampIes highljghted by the PIa'ln English Campaign—— whicmghlsfor cheeffectiveuseofEngIish一。include“Warn’lng:PIatform ends here”on the end of rall sfalion platforms,and “Mav cause drowsiness”on sieep。
author:Jessica Dav George  publisher:bloomsbury USA Childrent's Books(March 2o.2oo7)  sales rank:bestseller in children's Books on Amazon com    Creel,theheroine of Dragon Slippers is hardly a damseI-
ienna has hosted the Habsburg CoIln over tenturies.first as the imperial see of the Ho1y Roman Empl're,then me capitaI of the Austrian Emoire and 1ater of the Austm.Hungarian Emoire.'This has had a tr
ne evening i was parked in front of the mall wiping offmy car.I hadjust come fromthe car wash and was waiting for my wife to finish work.
WhatamIsupposedtodowithmylife?Shouldn’tIbedoingsomething…well…more?Thesequesdons haunt everyotie from time to time.Personallyj I can’t coUnt the number of times my acquaintances and I have batted this
IntheUnited States coffeeisthe usual drink at all hours of the day.American coffee is usually lightlv roasted and often served very weak.Italian style coffees--xpresso and cappuccinoI Areoften availa
Artist:TalibKweli  Released Date:August,14,2007  Genre:Rap,Hip—hop  PeakPosition:The Billboard 200 #2 on September 08,2007    If skills soId.TaIib Kweli would have been one of the most commerciallv su
these are actual answers fromtest papers and essays submitted to science and healthteachers by junior high,high school,and college students around the world.
动物世界似乎对植物世界拥有绝对的权威,动物想吃什么就吃什么,而植物却毫无还手之力。这是我们对生物世界的普遍印象。事实真的是这样吗?面对动物的蹂躏,植物真的无力反击吗?    Acaterpillartakes achew oftobaCoo leaf.Then another.And another.A wasp appears and plants its stinger in the cate
US Release Date:December7th.2007  Studio:New Line Cinema.  director:Chris Welzt.  Stanlng:Nicole Kldman.EvaGreen,DanieI Craig DakotaBlue Richards.  GeFire:Action,Adventure.  Drama,Fantasy,Thriller