author:Jessica Dav George
publisher:bloomsbury USA Childrent's Books(March 2o.2oo7)
sales rank:bestseller in children's Books on Amazon com
Creel,theheroine of Dragon Slippers is hardly a damseI-in-distress After her aunt to totes her out to the locaJ dragon in desperation(with the hope that the local prince will rescue her from certein death and marry her),creel refuses the haug hty pnrice and finds friendship with the dragons,who set her on a joumey to the center of the kingdom with a pretty pair of what onIy seem to be ordinary slippers.Along the way we dIscover Cree's enormous talent at embroidery,and you can't help but linger over the rich descriptions of her loveIy tapestrt like gowns,which quickIy make her the most sought—after dressrnaker in the kIngdom.But soon erlough those mysterious slippers begIn to wreak havoc,and it's up to Cleel to save the kingdom from disaster and defend the dragons from cettaIn dcorn…
publisher:bloomsbury USA Childrent's Books(March 2o.2oo7)
sales rank:bestseller in children's Books on Amazon com
Creel,theheroine of Dragon Slippers is hardly a damseI-in-distress After her aunt to totes her out to the locaJ dragon in desperation(with the hope that the local prince will rescue her from certein death and marry her),creel refuses the haug hty pnrice and finds friendship with the dragons,who set her on a joumey to the center of the kingdom with a pretty pair of what onIy seem to be ordinary slippers.Along the way we dIscover Cree's enormous talent at embroidery,and you can't help but linger over the rich descriptions of her loveIy tapestrt like gowns,which quickIy make her the most sought—after dressrnaker in the kIngdom.But soon erlough those mysterious slippers begIn to wreak havoc,and it's up to Cleel to save the kingdom from disaster and defend the dragons from cettaIn dcorn…