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“十三五”时期是我国全面深化改革要取得决定性成果的关键时期。为推动全面深化改革,确保改革落实落地,截至2016年10月,中央全面深化改革领导小组召开28次会议,多次强调要抓督察、促落实。“十三五”规划纲要为全面深化改革提供了行动指南。作为于全国期刊中首倡服务中央决策、蝉联中国百强报刊和国家社科基金资助期刊优秀期刊的《改革》,于2014年12月在全国各类传媒中率先对“十三五”发声。其行为表现即推出系列社评,从指标预测到愿景可期,从发展主轴到未雨绸缪,从执行力到政府博弈,从“四个全面”治国大纲到远望改革开放40周年,多角度、大视野、独家、独立、独到呈现《改革》作为中国经济学品牌期刊对党中央、国务院重大决策的研判,在学术界和政策层面引起积极反响。本期呈现10篇政策评论与《建议》相关表述交集在中部、东北地区的落地情况,其他地区的情况详见本刊2016年第9期第123~159页。中部、东北地区的“十三五”规划《建议》全称和简称如下表所示: The “13th Five-Year Plan” period is a crucial period for decisive achievements in deepening the overall reform in our country. In order to promote deepening the reform in an all-round way and ensure that the reform is implemented, as of October 2016, the Central Leading Group for Overall Deepening Reform has held 28 meetings and has repeatedly stressed the importance of inspectors and implementation. The “13th Five-Year Plan” provides a guideline for the overall deepening of the reform. As the “reform” advocating the central government’s decision to serve the central government in the national periodicals, the “reform” of China’s top 100 newspapers and the outstanding periodicals supported by the National Social Science Fund, the first of its kind in China in December 2014, . Its performance is to launch a series of social assessment, forecasting from the target to the vision can be expected from the development of the spindle to take precautions, from the executive power to the government game, from the “four comprehensive” state monopoly to the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up afar, Great vision, exclusive, independent and uniquely presenting “reform” As the Chinese economics brand periodical judgments on major decisions made by the Central Party Committee and the State Council, it has aroused active response in academia and policy. This issue presents the top ten situations in which the statements about 10 policy comments and “suggestions” are collected in the central and northeastern regions. For details on other regions, please refer to the 10th Issue, Issue 9, 2016, pp. 123-159. Central and Northeast China’s “Thirteen Five” plan “proposal” full name and short form as shown in the following table:
Owing to the facile, low cost, rapid, personalization characters, 3D printing method has been one of the most attractive additive manufacturing processes in med
对Fe741Cu1Nb3Si15B69(%,原子分数)纳米晶合金进行连续张力退火,研究了张力退火感生各向异性对纳米晶合金磁性能的影响.结果 表明,张力退火产生的感生各向异性常数(Ku)与退火
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