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由我局承担的部管科研项目“矿产资源战略分析”单矿种系列中的《汞矿资源战略分析》研究课题,在局资料处的努力下,通过国内外大量资料和情报信息的广泛收集与综合分析研究,历时近两年,已按要求完成研究任务,1985年8月提出的研究报告经省局初审后,地质矿产部科技司,全国地质资料局共同于10月在京组织了有冶金部、中国有色金属总公司、地矿部等单位的有关专家、科技人员参加的评委会进行评审验收,获得一致通过,正式颁发了评审证书。评委会对研究成果评价颇高,认为“提出的这份研究报告内容比较全面、比较系统、涉及的领域较广”,提出的建议和意见“都是中肯的和重要的,为制定有关资源政策提供了必要的参考依据”,评委会还认为“在我国现有汞刃“文献资料中内容如此全面的成果资料还是较少的,作者在较短的时间内做了大量工作,提出了这个成果是有成绩的”。 The research project “strategic analysis of mercury mine resources” in the single mineral series of “mineral resources strategic analysis” undertaken by the Ministry of Science and Technology under the Ministry of Science and Technology under the auspices of the Bureau, under the efforts of the Bureau of Information, through the extensive collection of a large amount of domestic and foreign information and intelligence information And comprehensive analysis of research, which lasted nearly two years, has completed the task of research required, August 1985 research report submitted by the provincial bureau of preliminary review, the Department of Geology and Mineral Resources Department of Science and Technology, the National Geological Information Bureau jointly organized in Beijing in October metallurgical Department, China Nonferrous Metals Corporation, Ministry of Geology and Minerals and other units of experts, scientists and juries to participate in the assessment review and acceptance, was unanimously adopted, formally issued a review certificate. The jury evaluates the research results to a high degree and holds that “the research report proposed here is relatively comprehensive, systematic and involves a wide range of fields, and the suggestions and opinions made are both pertinent and important. In order to formulate a policy on resources Provided the necessary reference, ”the jury also believes that“ the existing mercury edge in our country, ”the contents of the literature so comprehensive information is still less, the author in a relatively short period of time to do a lot of work, put forward this result Is a result. "
肺癌是发病率和死亡率增长最快、对人类健康和生命威胁最大的恶性肿瘤。虽然近年来采取了以手术为主的多学科综合治疗 ,但绝大多数患者还是或早或晚死于肺癌的局部复发或远处
The importance of substrate doping engineering for extremely thin SOI MOSFETs with ultra-thin buried oxide(ES-UB-MOSFETs) is demonstrated by simulation.A new su
经国家外国专家局批准 ,湖北省地震局申重阳研究员于 11月 4日赴西班牙天文大地测量研究所执行“三峡库区重力形变监测与地球动力学”培训计划 ,之后将在西班牙工作一段时间
原发性甲状腺恶性淋巴瘤 (primarymalignantlymphomaofthethyroid ,PMLT)是一种黏膜相关淋巴组织起源的淋巴瘤[1] ,国外报告占所有甲状腺恶性肿瘤的 1 3%~ 5 % [2 ,3] ,国内仅