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在解答小学数学应用题中运用转化法,能沟通应用题数量关系的内在联系,拓宽解题思路,有利于培养学生思维的深刻性和灵活性。现举例介绍转化法在解应用题时的几种运用。 一、条件形式的转化 条件是解应用题的依据,市的应用题条件与问题之间难以建立直接的联系,通过条件形式的转化、变换来沟通联系,易于发现解题的途径。 例1 有两筐苹果。乙筐苹果的重量是甲筐的4/5,从乙筐取出5斤放入甲筐后,这时乙筐苹果的重量是甲筐的7/11。乙筐原有苹果多少斤? 解:题目中“乙筐苹果的重量是甲筐的4/5,从乙筐取出5斤放入甲筐后,这时乙筐苹果的重量是甲筐的7/11”这些条件,可转化为:乙筐原有苹果的斤数是两筐斤数的4/9,从乙筐取出5斤放入甲筐后,这时乙 Applying the transformation method to solve the elementary mathematics application questions can communicate the internal relations of the quantitative relationship of the applied questions and broaden the thinking of solving the problems so as to cultivate the profoundness and flexibility of the students' thinking. Here is an example to introduce several ways to solve the problem. First, the conditional form of the conversion conditions is the basis for the application of the problem, the city of the problem and application of the problem is difficult to establish a direct link between the conditions of the forms of transformation, transformation to communicate, easy to find ways to solve the problem. Example 1 There are two baskets of apples. B baskets of apples weigh 4/5 of a baskets, 5 pounds from B baskets into the basket, then the weight of baskets of apples is 7/11 baskets. B baskets of the original number of pounds of apples? Solution: The title of “B baskets of apples weight is a basket of 4/5, remove 5 pounds from the basket into the basket, then the weight of basket basket of apples is a basket of 7 / 11 ”These conditions, can be converted into: B baskets of the original number of pounds of apple is two baskets of 4/9 pounds, remove 5 pounds from the basket into the basket, then B
第二册的动物知识,兼有认识四季的任务,使认识动物与认识四季结合起来很重要,我的教学经验概括起来是四个字: The second volume of animal knowledge, both to understand
目的 探讨改良式无血切肝术的方法。方法 从 1 997年 1月至 1 999年 6月 ,应用常温下改良式全肝血流阻断无血切肝术治疗原发性肝肿瘤 38例。结果  38例术后无死亡 ,均在 1
1966年底,解放军总政治部保卫部接到总政通知,要求派出一名副处长,参加中央专案办公室的工作。  12月29日,时任总政保卫部第四处副处长、42岁的张英华被总政保卫部副部长郝苏找去谈话。此前,张英华曾多次参与对干部的政治审查,还曾参加过“黄克诚专案组”,属于“党最信任的那类人”。  “郝副部长说,让我参加一项极为重要的工作,明天到‘三座门’报到,接受新任务。”在国防大学第一干休所,今年九十高龄的张