
来源 :生物学教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoxiuguo
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我国农业发展的根本出路,在于采用新的农业科学技术。当前,我国政府已经提出了“科技兴农”的口号,但目前大多数农村由于文化教育落后,且缺乏农技人才,导致许多现成的、很有价值的农技成果不是推广不下去,就是用得走了样,很可惜。农村许多地方为了早日致富,搞了不少项目,但因为技术不过硬,致使产量上不去,产品质量不过关,而且产品没有翻新,所以产品缺乏市场竞争力。从而影响了农村经济的发展,也就阻碍了农村奔小康的步伐,而中学作为一个培养人才的基层,中学生物学又是与农业生产有紧密联系的一门学科,所以,中学的生物学教学能够担任“科技兴农”的重任,也有能力为农村致富培养合格人才,为“科技兴农”出一把力。鉴于此,我根据这几年的教学经验认为中学生物学教学可从以下几方面结合“科技兴农”开展教学活动。 The fundamental way out for China’s agricultural development lies in adopting new agricultural science and technology. At present, the Chinese government has already proposed the slogan of “science and technology to develop agriculture”. However, most of the rural areas are currently lagging behind in cultural education and lacking agro-technical talents. As a result, many ready-made and valuable agricultural technologies are either not promoted or used. It’s a pity to have to go. In many places in rural areas, many projects have been made to get rich early, but because the technology is not so rigid that the output does not go up, the quality of the products does not pass, and the products are not refurbished, so the products lack market competitiveness. This has affected the development of the rural economy, which has hindered the pace of rural well-being. Secondary schools, as a grassroots training talent, and secondary biology are closely related to agricultural production, so the biology of secondary schools It is able to serve as the important task of “science and technology to develop agriculture”, and also has the ability to cultivate qualified personnel for the enrichment of rural areas and to work hard for “science and technology to promote agriculture”. In view of this, based on my teaching experience over the past few years, I believe that the teaching of biology in middle schools can be combined with the following aspects: “Science and technology to promote agriculture” to carry out teaching activities.