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电子游戏机的出现,开始于城市,城里的孩子自然成了电子游戏的首批受害者。新闻界以高度的社会责任感,对它的存在及危害给予了深入的报道和谴责,有关部门则取缔了电子游戏机室。游戏机从城市陆续消失,无疑是城里孩子的幸运。 然而,幽灵一般的电子游戏机室,颇有“此处不留爷,自有留爷处”的本事,在城市呆不下了,它就跑到农村来了,近年来,一些农村出现了一家家电子游戏机 The emergence of video game machines, beginning in the city, the city of children naturally became the first victims of video games. The media with a high degree of social responsibility, its existence and harm to give in-depth coverage and condemnation, the relevant departments banned the electronic game room. Game consoles disappear one after another from the city, no doubt the lucky children in the city. However, ghost-like video game room, rather “here do not stay in the Lord, have their own place,” the ability to stay in the city, it ran to rural areas, in recent years, a number of rural areas there Home video game machine
A propulsion device of following kinetic energy (KE) penetrator of tandem warheads due to shear ring mode is designed. An interior ballistics model is set up wi
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The current-voltage (Ⅰ-Ⅴ) characteristics of 4H-SiC metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) ultraviolet pho- todetector with different finger widths and spacings,diff
我是1995年退休的。退休后我的生活是在“乐”中度过的,怎样乐呢? 一、以“锻炼”为乐,身体健康。我每天早上坚持活动二小时,慢跑400米左右后,再自由活动。下午打二小时台球
射频识别(RFID}的应用越来越广泛深入,RFID的电磁干扰(EMI)问题也倍受人们的关注。本文仅对电感耦合非接触IC卡的EMI问题结合相关国际标准进行了介绍和剖析。 The applicati