The French film “The Immortal Couple” is a feature film describing life, love, and love in the afterlife of Le Beethoven. As a feature film, you do not have to follow historical facts like biographical films, but you can not fundamentally violate historical facts on a grand principle. The film’s description of Beethoven’s last symphony, the “Chorus Symphony,” is totally out of line with the historical facts. The film reflects that his work can not be understood and accepted by the world, It was recognized by the community. When the successful letter was delivered, my friends lamented “late, late” around his sick bed! In fact, three years before Beethoven’s death, that is, in 1824, the work was performed in Vienna The first performance was a great success, and the audience was moved to tears because it praised human solidarity, peace, fraternity and democracy, which reflected the aspirations of millions of people. When an hour and ten minutes were played, a soprano took Beethoven to the front of the stage, and people were fraudulently applauded by five stormy applauses, arousing police interference - for at the highest etiquette of the time Austria, the emperor Appear only three applause ah! Ask