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我对今秋种麦施肥问题的一点看法近年来,随着农业生产条件的改善和科学技术的进步,在种麦当中,怎样施肥才能更好地发挥肥效,已成为当前急需解决的重要问题。据笔者对当前小麦施肥问题所作调查看,总的感觉有以下几点:一、氮磷钾比例不尽合理据对沧州市部分村镇的调查... My opinion on the issue of wheat fertilization this autumn In recent years, with the improvement of agricultural production conditions and the advancement of science and technology, how to apply fertilizer to better exert fertilizer efficiency has become an important issue urgently needed to be solved. According to the author of the current survey of wheat fertility problems survey, the total feeling of the following points: First, the proportion of N, P and K unreasonable According to some villages and towns in Cangzhou survey ...
The relationship between colloidal particle transfer and quality of colloidal photonic crystal (CPC) is investigated by comparing colloidal particle self-assemb
玫瑰(Rosa rugosa)为蔷薇科蔷薇属观赏灌木,花型优美,气味芬芳,色彩艳丽。玫瑰特有的花色、花香和抗逆性让其在园林绿化和工业生产等方面有着很高的应用价值。矮牵牛(Petunia
1988年,台湾剧作家、导演赖声川带着太太和7岁的大女儿,第一次去印度游玩,他们住在印度北部山上的一个小镇。这儿风景很美,民风也很淳朴,但是一个非常原始落后的小镇,没有水泥路,下雨天走过小镇就会满脚泥泞;没有电,到了晚上只能看星星月亮;没有自来水,第一天在旅店歇下脚来,赖声川的太太想要洗头发,店里的伙计说没水了,得等两个小时。后来才知道,水是镇上的人用水桶翻山越岭从山那边挑过来的。  这么美丽的地