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在脾脏中的血液循环有二条主要途径:(1)直接通道是通过脾静脉窦。(2)间接通道,即通过脾静脉窦壁内皮细胞的空隙到脾的毕氏索(Billrothian cord)。这间接通道正如具有低压力的滤器一样,导致红细胞以低速通过。在其中,红细胞与毕氏索的网状内皮细胞密切接触,因而可能被吞噬或破坏。在毕氏索中的红细胞与在脾窦中的红细胞,合并构成脾脏红细胞贮池,它与脾脏以外循环的红细胞形成动态平衡。一些作者用放射性同位素标记红细胞,并在脾区作体表计数或扫描,以测定脾肿大患者脾脏红细胞贮 There are two main routes of blood circulation in the spleen: (1) The direct passage is through the splenic sinus. (2) Indirect access, the Billrothian cord through the voids of the splenic sinus wall endothelial cells to the spleen. This indirect channel acts just like a filter with low pressure, causing red blood cells to pass at low speeds. Among them, erythrocytes are in close contact with the reticuloendotheliocytes of Pies cord and may therefore be swallowed or destroyed. The erythrocytes in Pissarro and the erythrocytes in the splenic sinus merge into the red blood cell pool of spleen, which forms a homeostasis with red blood cells circulating outside the spleen. Some authors label erythrocytes with radioisotopes and count or scan body surface in the spleen to determine splenic red blood cell stores
前 言FHT即fieldheattreatment,称作地层热处理。因为该技术涉及水敏地层水阻塞及与粘土有关的地层伤害热处理 ,所以先在实验室进行了开发和实验。开始 ,实验台上的水敏砂岩水热实验表明 ,6 0 0℃
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