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小组学习法是课改以来所倡导的一种有效的教学方式,该方式不仅能够加强师生之间的互动和生生之间的交流,而且对凸显学生的课堂主体性,构建高效的小学语文课堂都有着密切的联系。所以,为了展现语文课程的魅力,也为了提高学生的学习能力,更为了促使学生在高效的语文课堂中获得良好的发展,作为新时期的小学语文教师,要更新教育教学观念,结合教材内容来构建小组学习法下的高效语文课堂,以确保学生在语文魅力的尽情展示中使综合素养得到全面提升。 The group learning method is an effective teaching method advocated since the curriculum reform. It not only can enhance the interaction between students and teachers, but also enhances the students’ subjectivity and builds an effective primary language classroom Have a close contact. Therefore, in order to demonstrate the attractiveness of the Chinese curriculum, but also to improve students ’ability to learn, it is even more necessary to promote students’ good development in an effective Chinese classroom. As a primary school Chinese teacher in the new era, the concept of education and teaching should be updated and combined with the content of the teaching materials Construct a high-performance language class under the group learning method to ensure that students can comprehensively improve their overall literacy performance in the most enjoyable display of Chinese language.
The Fe-based amorphous alloy coatings with different porosities were deposited on Q235 steel substrates by means of atmospheric plasma spraying(APS).The as-spra
当前,高中生物课堂低效教学这一现象仍然存在,为了改变这一状况,教师要寻找应对低效教学的策略,提高课堂的质量。 At present, the phenomenon of inefficient teaching in
[摘 要] 随着国家对职业教育的逐步重视,职业院校的发展迎来了新的机遇,如何才能培养出社会急需的高素质技能型人才是当前各职业院校面临的共同难题。以新疆农业职业技术学院学生的培养为例,从不同角度分析职业院校学生专业实践能力培养与思想政治教育创新,实践证明具有较强的可推广价值。  [关 键 词] 职业院校;专业实践;能力培养;思想政治教育  [中图分类号] G711 [文献标志码] A [文章编号]
本文介绍了阴极面积为300cm~2的流气式平行板α屏栅电离室的结构和性能。电离室工作气体为 P-10(90%Ar+10%CH_4)气体,充气压约1.8×10~5Pa。在流气量小于25mL/min 时可连续工
Rational design of new bioisosteres through introduction of high-value functional groups to bicyclo[1.1.1]pentane (BCP) is of particular use for drug discovery.
本文总结了目前美国在审批压水堆核电站设计基准事故的后果时所采用的安全标准、主要假定、计算分析方法和计算机程序。在我国核电起步阶段,这套方法可供借鉴。 This articl