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体育与健康课程将课程学习内容划分为运动参与、运动技能、身体健康、心理健康和社会适应五个学习领域。在这五个领域中将运动参与放在了第一位,设置运动参与学习领域体现了体育与健康课程本身的性质,有助于课程目标的实现;有助于学生主体地位的体现,运动参与学习领域具有载体作用。在体育与健康课程标准解读中详细地解读了运动参与的重要性和作用,笔者根据目前校内、校外学生参与体育锻炼的人数并不多的现状,引发了对体育课教学中如何提高学生运动参与的思考,从心理学中动机的角度来分析认为:动机是很多学生是否愿意参加体育运动的重要因素,本文就如何激发和维持学生的动机来实现运动参与这一领域的学习内容进行探讨。 Physical Education and Health Classes Divide course learning into five learning areas: Exercise Participation, Exercise Skills, Physical Health, Mental Health and Social Adaptation. Putting sport participation in the first place in these five fields and setting up the field of sports participation and learning reflects the nature of the physical education and health course itself and is conducive to the realization of the curriculum objectives. It is also conducive to the embodiment of students’ subjective status and participation in sports Learning area has a carrier role. In the course of physical education and health curriculum standard interpretation of the importance and role of sports participation in detail, the author based on the current school, extra-curricular students to participate in physical exercise in the current situation is not much, led to the teaching of physical education how to improve student participation in sports From the perspective of motivation in psychology, it is considered that motivation is an important factor for many students ’willingness to participate in sports. This article discusses how to motivate and maintain students’ motivation to participate in this field.
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