According to statistics, from 1987 to 1989, Qidong City, Jiangsu Province, an average of 3,926 young league members each year to reduce the proportion of members dropped an average of 1.09% per year. Why? An important factor is that the problem of self-organizing missions is serious. Within three years, the total number of team members will be 7.78%. There are three main types of self-organizing missions: (1) There are no justifiable reasons for some farming team members. Long-term do not pay tour fares, but the organization of the corps of life, not to organize the work assigned to the corps, such accounts for about 10% of the total number of decanters; (two) is part of the “leave the village” members, Regardless of “the” free state ", such accounts for about 15% of the total number of self-removal;