鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗民政局 夯实民生工程基础为促进经济社会和谐发展保驾护航

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近年来,达拉特旗民政局在旗委、旗政府的正确领导下,在上级民政部门的具体指导下,认真贯彻落实科学发展观,立足自身部门职能,服务大局,保障民生,为全旗经济社会发展创造安定、和谐的政治环境做出了积极贡献。社会救助工作不断加强,全力保障民生。在2009年确定的城镇低保标准每人每月310元的基础上,2010年提高到 In recent years, the Dalate Banner Civil Affairs Bureau has conscientiously implemented the scientific concept of development under the correct guidance of the flag committee and the flag government and under the specific guidance of the civil affairs department at a higher level. Based on its own departmental functions, serving the overall interests and guaranteeing people’s livelihood, Economic and social development to create a stable and harmonious political environment has made a positive contribution. Social assistance work is continuously strengthened and the people’s livelihood guaranteed. Based on the standard of urban subsistence allowance of 310 yuan per person per month as determined in 2009, it will be increased in 2010
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