Reforming the exam system to carry out the quality-oriented education

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   【中图分类号】G633.41 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2014)03-0031-01
   When talking of quality education, someone think it doesn't need exams, but reaction education can only be checked by exams. In fact, one's ability is also a mixing quality, checking reacting ability to the exam not only can make the students grasp knowledge better but also develop their intelligence. However, the exam is not the final aim to the quality education, it's just an important method to check the teacher's teaching and the students' learning.
   First,please think over some features about quality-educated exams.
   <1> The aim of exam is the basic way to check the teaching result and evaluate the students' learning so that the teachers can improve their teaching further but not only to improve the percentage of entering colleges.
   <2> The exam is aimed for all the students, which can not only meet the demands of developing the students but also check the students' ability. That's the right direction of the exam. If so, the students' ability of judging and solving problems can be improved and then their inventing consciousness and practical abilities can also be aroused.
   <3> The exams should involve written, oral, interview and operation, etc, which can have non-reference exam and also reference exam, besides exams or tests, the forms should also involve the scientific and convenient tools to make the evaluation carried out generally and conveniently.
   Second, At present, there are many forms, ways and disadvantages of exams in the middle school.
   With different aims of the exam, the forms now involve grade exam, checking and standard exam. The methods involve written, listening and oral exams.
   Grade exam: It's used to check whether the students finish their task and whether their language ability meet the demands, for example, mid-term exam, final exam and graduation exam.
   Checking exam: It's used to judge what the students do well and what the students do badly. For example, which the students do well or badly in listening. speaking. reading or writing. The result can make the teachers know the students' learning so that they can improve the teaching better.
   Standard exam: It's used to judge whether the students' language ability reaches some required standard.
   At present, the exams in the middle school involve grade exam and judging exam. For a long time, there are more and more exams in the school which are aimed for further education, entering middle schools or colleges. for thesestresses, the students are surrounded by endless exams. So the teaching has been affected greatly by the exams. Because those students are their saving-life straw, , they become the exam machines, causing them to lose the interestof learning in the beginning. The bad effect of the exam not only prevents the teaching development but also hold back the quality education being carried out.
   Third, My opinion on the aim of exam.
   The reforming direction of English exam is to show the students' language communication ability. The final aim of the teaching is to make the students gain the ability to communicate in English. To carry out quality education, the teachers should make the students' communicating ability as the only aim and also make it responded in the outline, books, methods, exams and class teaching, etc.
   So far, English teaching books have changed several times, especially after carrying out the new course standard in 2003. However, the regular exams just focus on checking language points and sentence patterns. The way to check is the written exam. As the result, the class teaching is also paid more attention to language points and less stresses the students’ ability training, it causes the students and teachers busy day and night without any good result. As you can see, many students learn English for a long time but they can’t communicate in English, while Karl Marx mastered a foreign language just learning for six months.
   However, the using of new books attached more importance to English teaching, which stressed again and again that the English teaching is to improve the students’ communicating ability. So the teachers should convert their role in teaching. The teacher should be an organizer but not the controller, directing the students to use knowledge in a right way to form a good habit so that they can learn more based on the present strong foundation.
   However, if the exam system remains unchanged, how can teachers and students get away from the shadow of the exam? How can the teaching and learning get away from the tying of the exam? So , in order to make the quality education become true and improve the students’ ability, the first step is to reform the exam system at once.
   I think there are several ways to reform the exam system by my teaching experience after teaching English for many years.
   <1> Convert from stressing knowledge but not ability to stressing both of them. Strengthen the connection between social practice and the students’ life. Focus on developing abilities of analyzing and solving problems.
   <2> Provide more chances and mixing methods instead of written exam to them. The forms of the exam should be various. besides written exam, they can involve oral exam, reciting poems and telling stories, etc.
   <3> Teachers won’t attach too much importance to the students’ grades. They can evaluate their students by the standard of Excellent or First-class, Good, Pass and Not good. As other ways, the evaluation should support the students development and provide them with more advice but not put more pressure on them.
   <4> when entering colleges, grades shouldn’t be considered as the only standard. It should contain students’ other quality aspects such as school commenting, one’s specialty, one’s growing records, etc. The contents of the exam should also be appropriate with less difficulty and the graduation exam should be different from the entering college exam.
   In a word, to carry out the quality education, every teaching department and school should pay more attention to it and act at once. Now I stress that once more. It is reforming the exam system that plays an important part in it.
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