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  Waiting for our departure[离开], something in the sunlight caught my eyes. A moving something. A small moving something. Could it really be? A butterfly had landed on the floor mat[草席] inside the house. Beating its wings ever so slowly, trying to catch its breath. I crept[悄悄地移动] closer, just wanting to capture[捕捉] its beauty in my hands and to admire its simplicity and intricate[错综复杂的] design. She sensed my presence, and we locked energies. Slowly, slowly, I inhaled[吸气] and she beat up. I exhaled[呼气] and she beat down. Me: Inhaling, exhaling. Her: beating up, beating down.
  I pulled in[(车辆)驶近] closer and she stopped beating her wings. I held my breath. For fear of her fear, I crouched[蹲] still and silent. Pulled my body in close, head in knees, and bum[臀部] against ankles. She had a story, I could tell. I imagine she was once a white monarch[斑蝶] that flew higher and higher. Not like a bird that soars, but like blue waves on a white sand beach, bouncing and bobbing[迅速浮沉] to anywhere. Like this she traveled laterally[横向], all the way to the sun in a bliss[快乐] unbound. A ray from the sun hung limp[柔软的] and loose, swaying[摇摆] like a Persian cat’s tail. She must have been frightened, caught in this ray. The warmth of sunset orange covered her body like glue and the heat singed[烧焦] the ends of her wings black.
  Finally, a release. She opened up again, trusting me. Every scale[鳞] on her body shone brightly against the fading straw mat every time she stretched open her wings. Where have you been old lady注? I asked. Why are you so unafraid of me, the giant moving beast?
  I just couldn’t believe this moment. How lucky was I to have a direct interaction with nature? With one of its inhabitants[居民], who knew I only wanted to learn and listen to the many stories it carried about faraway lands and sweet pollen[花粉]? My eyes magnified[放大] like a telescope[望远镜] and I studied her abdomen[腹部] nestled[隐藏] in between her wings every time she stretched. We weren’t so different, she and I. I too want to rest sometimes, take a breather[休憩一下], soak in my surroundings.
  There are moments in time that we will remember forever, and they always always catch us by surprise, which means we can never go looking for them, but only recognize[注意到] them when they appear and just submit[顺从].
  Submitting to the moment is by far the most rewarding life lesson we can embody[使……体现]. So thank you, butterfly, thank you for believing in me and my presence, because in your slow and unassuming[谦逊的] process you made me stop and watch. You grabbed my attention and held it still, and like a baby, I got lost in your beauty.   Lately, I have been seeing butterflies everywhere. Sometimes they lay on the ground, lifeless, and sometimes they are flitting[掠过] away joyously[愉快地] with no reservations[保留]. It just seemed so paradoxical[矛盾的] that butterflies would exist in this crazy town of car noise and pollution. But they do! They Do! I always pictured[想象] them in gardens or fields, but never amongst the trash that sometimes lies across the side streets. What amazing notes[音符] of nature’s instruments[乐器]!
  Now with heavy steps I stare at the ground and occasionally look up, hoping to catch a glimpse[一瞥] of a flying rainbow.
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