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罗马诺·普罗迪,被《纽约时报》和《商业周刊》称为“第一个真正的‘欧洲首相’”。1996年、2006年他两度当选意大利总理。1999年到2004年,他担任欧洲委员会(欧盟的行政分支)主席。任内,欧盟落实了若干具有历史意义的重要决策,包括实施欧元。2010年,他受中欧国际工商学院之邀出任欧盟教席教授。普罗迪先生也非常热爱中国文化,并且经常援引中国的格言。2011年3月12日,罗马诺·普罗迪一行10人抵达温州,展开了为期两天的访问。3月14日,在离开温州之前,他接受了本地媒体的采访。 Romano Prodi, the New York Times and BusinessWeek called “the first real European prime minister.” In 1996, 2006, he was twice elected Italian Prime Minister. From 1999 to 2004 he was chairman of the Council of Europe (administrative branch of the European Union). During the presidency, the EU has implemented a number of important historic decisions, including the implementation of the euro. In 2010, he was invited by the China Europe International Business School as the EU chair professor. Mr. Prodi also loves Chinese culture very often and frequently invokes China’s motto. On March 12, 2011, 10 members of Romano Prodi arrived in Wenzhou for a two-day visit. March 14, before leaving Wenzhou, he accepted the local media interview.
Since the Wenchuan earthquake in China on May 12 th,2008,highways in earthquake-affected areas have been frequently interrupted by debris flows.We analyzed the
【摘要】我院商务英语专业自从2002年申办成功以来,在毕业考核方式上一直沿袭着传统的论文答辩模式,虽然期间也有老师提出异议,但却尚未提出有建设性的建议。本文作者结合高职教育特点,提出以英语商务讲介(English Business Presentation)的方式作为对学生的毕业考核评价手段之一。  【关键词】商务英语专业 毕业考核 英语商务讲介  商务英语专业作为辽宁政法职业学院历史最悠久的专业
The compound 3,3’-(anthracene-9,10-diyl)bis(1-phenylpropan-1-one)(C32H26O2,Mr=442.55) has been synthesized by the reaction of 2,2’-(anthracene-9,10-diylbis(me
Geostatistics combined with GIS was applied to assess the spatial distribution of nematode trophic groups following two contrasting soil uses in the black soil
By means of an electrochemical study,the influence of arsenic,antimony and cobalt on cathodic polarization in the zinc electrowinning process,the associated kin