水稻抗病性的究研 1.水稻在不同施肥和土壤条件下对白叶枯病抗病性的变化

来源 :植物保护学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yindanna
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水稻在不同施肥和土壤条件下,对白叶枯病的抵抗性不同。本文着重分析氨态氮和硝态氮对病害的影响。施用氨态氮和未腐熟绿肥等,氮肥多的发病重;土壤反应酸性的较硷性的发病重。施用硝态氮的水稻,稻株虽然表现落黄,但是白叶枯病发生也很重。植物成分的分析结果:施用氨态氮的稻株,游离氨基酸的量较高,而还原糖的含量则较低;施用硝态氮的植株则相反。植物组织速测和水孔分泌水的分析证明:施用硝态氮的水稻在叶片中也积累较多的硝态氮。施用氨态氮的水稻发病重的原因,可能与游离氨基酸的含量较高有关,施用硝态氮的水稻发病重的原因,可能是由于叶片中积累了较大量的硝态氮,改变稻株的氧化还原性状而有利于病菌的生长。研究结果证明:水稻对白叶枯病栽培免疫的机制,不同于稻瘟病和胡麻斑病。 Under different fertilization and soil conditions, rice has different resistance to bacterial blight. This article focuses on the analysis of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen on the impact of disease. The application of ammonia nitrogen and not decomposed green manure and so on, the incidence of more nitrogen fertilizer; acid reaction of the more serious the incidence of alkaline. The application of nitrate nitrogen in rice, although the performance of yellow rice off the yellow, but the occurrence of bacterial blight is also very heavy. The results of plant composition analysis showed that the amount of free amino acids was higher and the content of reducing sugar was lower in the rice plants treated with ammonia nitrogen, while the plants treated with nitrate nitrogen were the opposite. Plant tissue rapid test and water hole water analysis proved that: the application of nitrate nitrogen in the leaves also accumulate more nitrate nitrogen. The reason for the serious incidence of ammonia nitrogen in rice may be related to the high content of free amino acids. The reason for the heavy incidence of rice with nitrate nitrogen may be due to the accumulation of a large amount of nitrate nitrogen in leaves, Redox traits favor the growth of germs. The research results show that the mechanism of rice immune to rice bacterial blight is different from rice blast and flamboyant spot.
<正> 笔者以辨证针灸配合自身运动,治疗单纯性腰痛(继发性腰痛除外),效果满意,报告如下。临床资料 65例患者,男性41例,女性24例;年龄最小者17岁,最大者69岁;病程最短者3个小
锂硫电池的理论能量密度为2600 W&#183;h/kg,是常规锂离子二次电池的3~5倍,是目前最有可能产业化的下一代二次电池技术之一,因此近年来引起了研究人员的广泛关注。然而单质硫