凌文轩:My Family

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  I have a happy family. They are my father, my mother and me. My father and mother do business. I am a student. I like drawing and listening to music. My parents work hard every day. I also study hard. We live happily together. I love my family.
  (指導老师:赵 苗)
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“老狼老狼几点了?一点了,两点了,三点了……”你还记得小时候玩过的这个游戏吗?哈哈,今天我们要读的这个绘本,就是由“老狼老狼几点了”这个游戏而来的哦。在故事里,小女孩劳伦爬进一个大钟里,上演了一场惊心动魄的“狼口脱险”记……  其实呀,读了好多书以后,你会发现,就像这本书一样,有很多书都喜欢用风趣幽默的故事来告诉我们:我們的童年和成长,就是在这一场场的游戏中获得了快乐、智慧!  Lauren si