
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyxdaisy
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近年来,受多种因素影响,国内市场粮食、食用植物油、猪肉等主要食品、副食品价格持续上涨,给城镇居民特别是困难群体生活带来一定的影响,如何有效化解这种不利影响,建立和完善城镇困难群体救助机制,是近年来各级党委、政府普遍关心的一个重要课题。今年7-8月份,河北省物价局民生调研课题组分别对石家庄、沧州、衡水三市23户低保、特困、边缘家庭进行了全面调查,并邀请民政、财政、工会、统计、劳动、建设等部门先后4次召开座谈会,认真分析了价格上涨对河北省城镇困难群体的影响,力求探索出适应本省实际的、动态有效的救助机制,以便更好地促进和谐社会建设。 In recent years, due to many factors, the prices of staple foods and foodstuffs such as grain, edible vegetable oil and pork in the domestic market continue to rise, bringing some impacts to the urban residents, especially the disadvantaged groups. How to effectively resolve this adverse effect and establish And improving the rescue mechanism for urban disadvantaged groups are an important issue that the party committees and governments at all levels generally care about in recent years. From July to August this year, the Task Force on Minsheng Research of the Price Bureau of Hebei Province conducted a comprehensive survey on 23 households with minimum subsistence allowances and special hardship and marginal families in Shijiazhuang, Cangzhou and Hengshui respectively and invited representatives from home affairs, finance, trade unions, statistics, labor and construction Four departments held a series of symposiums, carefully analyzing the impact of price increases on the disadvantaged groups in urban areas in Hebei Province, and sought to find out a dynamic and effective rescue mechanism suited to the province in order to better promote the building of a harmonious society.
【Abstract】According to ecological linguistics, lexical cohesion, as an ecological factor of an English text, is helpful to make up a balanced ecological environment of a text. Therefore, in English wr
A new spinning method to manufacture the cylindrical parts with nano/ultrafine grained structures is proposed, which consists of quenching, power spinning and r