抓紧转变职能 更好地为企业服务

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常州市是一个中等城市,建国以来,国家投资建设了一批国营企业,加上集体所有企业的发展,目前已拥有90亿元的固定资产。管好、用好、修好这样大量的设备,对保证企业优质、高效、安全生产有着重要意义。常州市设备管理协会协助地方政府部门,为推进设备管理现代化和搞好维修工作,努力当好助手,立足服务企业已经走过了八个年头。 一、八年来工作的回顾 1985年常州市设协成立以来,面向全社会的工交企业,通过学习、宣传贯彻《全民所有制工业交通企业设备管理条例》,以设备管理评优工作为重点,通过完善评优细则、开展有计划的创优、评审员的培训、跨行业的专业咨询,促进了企业设备管理水平的提高。在第二、第三届全国设备管理评优活动中,各有6家企业荣获国优称号;1990年评出全市设备管理现代化成果75项,直接经济效益1250万元,已有50多家企业较好地运用了微机辅助设备管理;在优化资产配置过程中,投资几十万元,办起了常州市设备调剂服务公司,几年来,全市共调剂了5000多元闲置设备;编辑出版了《企业管理》等书刊。通过这些活动的开展,企业设备管理水平有了明显的提高,为常州市1992年完成工业产值近400亿元创造了条件。 二、转换职能,更好地为企业服务 过去,我们设备协会主要是协助政府部门推动企业完成设备管? Changzhou City is a medium-sized city. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the state has invested in and built a number of state-owned enterprises. Together with the development of collectively-owned enterprises, it currently has 9 billion yuan in fixed assets. Managing, using, and repairing such a large number of equipment is of great significance for ensuring the quality, efficiency, and safety of production. The Changzhou Equipment Management Association assisted the local government departments in their efforts to become modern equipment management and do a good job of maintenance work. They have worked hard to become good assistants and have been through service companies for eight years. A review of the work in the past one or eight years Since the establishment of the Changzhou City Association for Associations in 1985, the industrial and commercial enterprises facing the whole society have learned and promoted the “Regulations on the Management of Equipment for All-Urban Ownership-Owned Industrial Transport Enterprises”, focusing on equipment management appraisal, and improving The assessment of excellent rules, the implementation of planned excellence, the training of assessors, and cross-industry professional consultation have promoted the improvement of enterprise equipment management. In the second and third national equipment management appraisal activities, six companies each won the title of Guoyou. In 1990, 75 items of modernization of equipment management in the city were appraised. The direct economic benefits were 12.5 million yuan, and more than 50 enterprises Better use of computer-aided equipment management; in the process of optimizing asset allocation, invest hundreds of thousands of yuan, set up a Changzhou Equipment Adjustment Service Company, and in the past few years, the city has adjusted more than 5,000 yuan idle equipment; edited and published “Enterprises Management and other publications. Through the development of these activities, the level of corporate equipment management has been significantly improved, creating the conditions for Changzhou’s industrial output value of nearly 40 billion yuan in 1992. Second, the transformation of functions, and better services for enterprises In the past, our equipment association is mainly to assist government departments to promote enterprises to complete equipment management?
会议宗旨 交流氯氟烃与哈龙的替代物、替代技术、回收与再生利用技术、以及检测技术的新进展与经验;探讨技术与经济对策;推进科研开发工作和共同努力缩减、限制及禁用氯氟烃
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一、10年固定资产投资的运行轨迹及特点 1981年至1990年是武汉市建国以来固定资产投资的重要时期,10年间完成投资240.8亿元,投产项目10708个,新增固定资产187.4亿元。投资和