认真做好防尘工作 保障职工身体健康 促进生产不断发展

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第三届全国人民代表大会第一次会议的决议中指出:“我国人民在1965年的主要任务是,更加深入地开展社会主义教育运动,开展比、学、赶、帮和增产节约的群众运动,大力组织工农业生产的新发展,完成和超额完成1965年国民经济计划,来为1966年开始的第三个五年计划作好准备,保证和促进其他各项社会主义事业顺利发展。”随着工农业生产的新发展,我们建筑材料和非金属矿工业企业面临的任务将越来越重,这就要求我们必须进一步提高企业的经营管理水平,更充分地调动广大职工群众的积极性,大力提高劳动生产率。密切关心职工的安全和身体健康,积极认真地做好企业生产中的防尘工作,是有效地提高劳动生产率,促进企业生产的一项极重要的任务。我们党和国家从来十分关心职工群众在生产中的安全和健康。早在1956年国务院就颁发“防止厂、矿企业中硅尘危害的决定”,1957年、1962年劳动部、卫生部、全国总工会等部门又先后召开了两次全国性的防止硅尘危害工作会议,最近,建筑工程部又在大连召开了防尘工作经 The resolution of the first session of the Third National People’s Congress stated: “The main task of our people in 1965 was to carry out a deeper socialist education campaign and carry out mass campaigns that reduce, learn, drive, help, and increase production. , vigorously organized new developments in industrial and agricultural production, completed and overfulfilled the 1965 national economic plan, and prepared for the third five-year plan that began in 1966 to ensure and promote the smooth development of other socialist undertakings. With the new development of industrial and agricultural production, our building materials and non-metallic minerals industry companies will face more and more tasks. This requires us to further improve the level of business management, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the broad masses of workers and workers, and vigorously improve Labor productivity. Paying close attention to the safety and health of employees and actively and conscientiously doing a dust-proof job in production are an extremely important task to effectively increase labor productivity and promote enterprise production. Our party and the country have always been concerned about the safety and health of workers and staff in production. As early as 1956, the State Council issued the “Decision to Prevent Silica Dust in Plants and Mining Enterprises”. In 1957 and 1962, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Public Health, the National Federation of Trade Unions and other departments held two national anti-silica dust hazards. The work conference, recently, the Department of Construction Engineering held a dust prevention work in Dalian.
M 120 W万能外圆磨床是一种结构简单、使用方便、通用性强的内外圆磨床。随着社会主义革命和建设的需要,其产品数量逐年上升,为了进一步提高劳动生产率,解决机加工不足的困
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一、认真执行标准 严格鉴定产品 我站的三防试验工作是从1966年开始的,当时由于这项工作是新开展的,没有经验干起来是陌生的,经向兄弟单位学习,尤其是在广州电器科学研究所
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