爱上摄影 都是夜班惹的“祸”——张鸣雁风光摄影作品选

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爱上摄影,都是夜班惹的“祸”。刚到总编室上夜班,是上世纪90年代,往印厂的车间发完稿子,等照排师傅出大样有很长一段时间,一幅幅浏览新华社当日编发的世界各国大师们拍摄的新闻图片,成了俺夜夜必做的功课。 Fall in love with photography, are night-off mess “calamity ”. Arrived at the editor-in-chief room night shift, is the 90s of last century, to India factory finished the manuscript, such as a master photo shoot for a long time, an overview of Xinhua News Agency compiled the day masters from all over the world News photo, I have to do homework every night.
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