
来源 :现代特殊教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dubo2536
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后现代文化不仅仅是“解构”、“批判”、“摧毁”一切,也有“建构”、“创造”的一面,如提倡多元的视角,主张对世界的关爱、对“身体”的尊重、对弱势群体的关注,呼唤“生活世界”的同归等等。本文主要从后现代文化建构性的视野出发来关注特殊教育,并试图在这种文化的关照下建构特殊教育的新理念,即对“身体资本”的自我设计。一、“身体资本”概念的提出特殊教育有狭义和广义之分,本文取其狭义,即“对身体有缺陷的人所实施的教育”。在此,特殊教育的“特殊性”主要是身体意义上的,“身体”因其特殊而突 Postmodern culture is not only a matter of “deconstruction”, “criticism”, “destruction”, but also of “construction” and “creation”, such as promoting a pluralistic perspective and advocating for the world Love, respect for “body ”, concern for the disadvantaged groups, call “life world ” with the return and so on. This paper mainly focuses on special education from the perspective of the constructivism of postmodern culture and attempts to construct a new concept of special education under the guidance of this culture, that is, self-design of “body capital ”. First, the concept of “physical capital ” special education has a narrow and broad sense, this article whichever is narrow, that is, “education for people with physical defects ”. Here, the “special nature” of special education is mainly in the sense of the body, and “body”
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