Writing a Check

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   It may be strange to Chinese people, writing a check, because the habit of the personal check, which is a popular way of paying bills in western countries, is not widely practised in China. But if you open a bank account in the United States, you will be asked and even offered a free checkbook with your name and address on each check. You can pay bills with checks, by simply writing the payment amount on a check in both letters and numbers, the recipient’s name, and finally your signature and the date, and you’re all set.
   However, because of the popularity of e-commerce in America, consumers can make payments by credit cards or online. Today, Americans are writing fewer checks than ever. Perhaps the old-fashioned ones will still carry a checkbook around wherever they go. Young people definitely use more debit cards[借記卡] and credit cards than personal checks. But for payments to the government, it’s best to stick with tradition checks.
   I remember a few years ago, when I applied for a driver’s license at the Department of Motor Vehicle—a state government office to deal with all vehiclerelated issues in America, I needed to write a check to the agency for the application. No cash or credit cards were accepted. Since I had no experience in writing a check, I asked my American friends for help. They were as puzzled as I was, as they had not written a check for a while. So I Googled it like many American people do nowadays: resorting[求助] to Google to find a solution to their problems.
   Here is a sidebar[工具条]. According to the U.S. Federal Reserve[美联储], the number of checks paid declined by more than 50 percent since 2000. And falling check use has been accompanied by a rise in Google searches for“how to write a check”. Today, those searches are nearly five times as prevalent[普遍的] as they were ten years ago.
   So with the help of my search engine, I learned how to write my first check. In fact, a veteran[经验丰富的] check user also wrote me a voided check[作废支票] as an example. So in the future I can refer to this sample. Now you know, just like learning a language, use it or lose it. If one seldom writes a check, it is easy to forget how to do it. But thanks to my friend’s sample check, I am going to carry it around, in case I need one of my own.
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【高考真题】  从下面两个题目中任选一题,按要求作答。不少于700字。(50分)  ①《白鹿原上奏响一支老腔》记述老腔的演出每每“撼人胸腑”,令人有一种“酣畅淋漓”的感觉。某种意义上,可以说“老腔”已超越其艺术形式本身,成为了一种象征。  请以“‘老腔’何以令人震撼”为题,写一篇议论文。  要求:从老腔的魅力说开去,不要局限于陈忠实散文的内容,观点明确,论据充分,论证合理。  【命题解读】  命题
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作为一门语言,英语学习重在平时的积累和练习。因此,复习就成为课堂教学中重要的一个环节,要让学生在反复复习的过程中掌握词组、语法以及每单元的常用句型。但是英语复习课与新课内容相比,在一定程度上会失去新鲜感,而学生学习的兴趣又是保证复习效果的前提。那么,如何让学生摆脱压抑沉闷的学习氛围而对复习课保持新鲜感呢?为此,笔者从长期的教学实践中总结了一下方法:   一、以学生为主体,重在所有学生的参与。  
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