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在扶贫开发的实践中,涌现出许多先进的个人和集体。在他们当中,有积劳成疾甚至献出生命的;有真抓实干带动一批人脱贫致富的;还有积极探索扶贫新思路大胆创新的。群众称赞不绝于耳,领导表彰隆重热烈。正是有了这样的扶贫先锋,“八七”扶贫攻计划才取得了巨大的成就。在这继往开来的转折时期,宣传推广扶贫工作中的先进经验,秉承弘扬扶贫工作中的奋斗精神,对持续、快速推进扶贫开发事业和顺利圆满完成《中国农村扶贫开发纲要(2001—2010年)》的奋斗目标具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义,本期我们推出两篇有关脱贫方面的文章,希望全社会都来关心和支持扶贫开发事业。 In the practice of poverty alleviation and development, many advanced individuals and collectives have emerged. Among them, there are people who have accumulated hard-working life and even sacrificed their lives. Some people work hard to drive a number of people out of poverty and get rich. They also actively explore new ideas for poverty alleviation and make bold innovations. The people are praised endlessly, leading the warm recognition of grand ceremony. It is with such a pioneering role in helping the poor that “the” pro-poor “attack plan of” August 7 “achieved tremendous achievements. In this turning point, we should promote the advanced experience in poverty alleviation and uphold the spirit of striving for poverty alleviation. We will continue to push forward the cause of poverty alleviation and development and successfully complete the ”Outline for Poverty Alleviation and Development in Rural China (2001-2010)" The objective of our struggle is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance. In this issue, we launched two articles on poverty alleviation and hoped that the whole society would care for and support the cause of poverty alleviation and development.
页313期11内b,.10︸匕连‘八J孟任一b﹄b月任哎UO月l,.1内t)Q‘﹄b月性八J内J月任1人夕︺夕︸技术经济政策研究作者 未来中国石化工业发展战略的几点思考··············
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