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国有企业团组织要为团结带领广大团员青年为国家的进步和企业的改革发展发挥积极作用,使其各项工作不仅能够传承核工业的优良传统,同时还要承载新的时代内涵。党的十八大以来,习近平同志连续两年在五四青年节之际参加共青团主题团日活动,与各界优秀青年代表座谈;分别致信青年学生、青年志愿者等群体,充分体现了党中央对青年一代的亲切关怀和殷切期望、对共青团工作的高度重视。习近平同志指出:为实现中国梦而奋斗是中国青年运动的时代主题。 The state-owned enterprise mass organizations should play an active role in uniting and bringing young members of the CYL member team together for the progress of the country and the reform and development of the enterprises so that all their work can not only carry forward the fine tradition of the nuclear industry, but also carry the new connotation of the times. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, Comrade Xi Jinping has participated in the CYL theme group day activities for the second consecutive year in the celebration of the May Fourth Youth Day and discussed with outstanding youth representatives from all walks of life. He sent letters to young students and young volunteers and other groups, fully embodying the Central Party Committee The cordial concern and ardent expectations of the young generation attach great importance to the work of the Communist Youth League. Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out: To fight for the realization of the Chinese dream is the theme of the times for the Chinese youth movement.
We reported in this paper the results of our test of four insecticides used through cover spray for controlling the Asian longhorned beetle, Anoplophora glabr
对别人亲切就容易交到朋友,尤其是女性,更应对人亲切有礼,令人留下深刻印象,以下的测验可以准确地知道自己对人亲切的程度! Friendly to others it is easy to make friend