
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mahongxin2009
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银杏的集食用、医用、观赏于一身,价值很高。叶子提炼品是治疗脑心血管病不可多得的天然制剂;银杏果能清心润肺,生津止咳平喘,长食久用能延年益寿、滋润肌肤、美容,并可抗癌,国际市场供不应求,国内需求量也在与日俱增。开放十多年来,许多省市区都有长足的发展,“银杏热”持续升温,必将进一步推动银杏盆景(栽)的发展。银杏作为盆景(栽)是比较理想的素材,一是寿命长,生命力极强。1945年广岛原子弹爆炸,所有生物荡然无存,银杏却照样活了下来。二是适应环境能力也极强,南方广西大片成林,北地辽宁也有栽培,东部普陀岛能栽植,西部甘肃也能发展。三是实生苗易于扭拉、拼组,用挤压法可以把几枝组并成一排、一拢、一簇,尤其冬天更易于操作。四易于嫁接,四季都有可嫁接时间,当然春季为最佳时间。银杏盆景也和其他素材的盆景一样,价值要高,必须形奇状怪,苍劲龙钟,粗壮露根,或悬崖垂钓,或龙腾虎跃,普 Ginkgo set food, medical, watch in one, high value. Leaf extract is a rare treatment of cardiovascular disease natural preparations; Ginkgo biloba can heart lungs, cough and asthma relief of asthma, long-lived long life can prolong life, nourish the skin, beauty, and anti-cancer, the international market in short supply, domestic Demand is also increasing. More than a decade of opening up, many provinces and cities have made great progress, “ginkgo hot ” continued to heat up, will further promote the development of ginkgo bonsai (planted). Ginkgo as a bonsai (planted) is the ideal material, one long life, strong vitality. 1945 Hiroshima atomic bomb blast, all creatures gone, ginkgo still survived. Second, the ability to adapt to the environment is also very strong. In the south of Guangxi, there are large forests in the area. Liaoning also has cultivation in the north. Putuo Island can be planted in the east and Gansu in the west can develop. Third, the seedlings are easy to twist pull, fight group, with the extrusion method can be several branches in a row, together, a cluster, especially in winter easier to operate. Four easy grafting, four seasons have grafting time, of course, spring is the best time. Ginkgo bonsai and other materials, like the bonsai, the value is high, must be shaped odd strange, vigorous dragon bell, thick roots, or cliff fishing, or Dragon Tiger Leap, Pu
An experimental study was carried out to investigate the flame characterization and temperature profile for single and multiple pool fire with the influence of