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中国海洋地质学会、中国地质学会海洋地质专业委员会第二届学术年会3月11—15日在上海同济大学召开.中国科学院学部委员郭令智、任美锷、业治铮、朱夏等著名地质学家同来自全国各有关单位的海洋地质专家、学者140多人聚集一堂,交流学术成果,探讨海洋地质科学中的一些重大问题以及如何更好地为国民经济建设服务的问题.向大会提交的论文和论文摘要175篇,其中大会交流14篇,小会交流66篇.这些论文从各个方面反映了近几年来我国海洋地质科学工作者在东海、南海中北部、黄海、渤海以及深海大洋等区域的海洋地质综合调查和研究中所取得的丰硕成果.值得特别提出的是地质矿产部等单位对东海油气资源的调查和研究,突破了东海出油关,打开了我国海域找油的新局面;国家海洋局组织的对太平洋特定海区的海洋地质综合调查以及对南极的综合考查,使“查清中国海、进军三大洋、登上南极洲”的宏伟目标逐步实现.提交会议的文章中大量的是有关海岸带和近海区域的调查成果,一个突出的特点是体现了科学技术面向经济建设的方针,这些成果对海岸带的开发和利用、海洋矿产资源的开发、沿海工程建设及环境保护等方面都提供了十分宝贵的资料. China Ocean Geology Society, China Geological Society Marine Geology Professional Committee of the Second Annual Conference March 11-15 held in Tongji University in Shanghai.Chinese Academy of Sciences Guo Lingzhi, Ren Meiyuan, industry Zhi Zheng, Zhu Xia and other famous geologists from More than 140 experts and scholars of marine geology from all the relevant units of the country came together to exchange academic achievements and discuss some major issues in marine geosciences and how to better serve their national economic construction The abstract of theses and papers submitted to the conference 175 articles, including the exchange of 14 articles, small exchanges 66. These papers reflect from all aspects of China’s marine geoscientists in recent years in the East China Sea, the North South China Sea, the Yellow Sea, the Bohai Sea and the deep ocean and other areas of marine geology Investigation and research.It is especially worth mentioning that the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources and other units investigated and researched the oil and gas resources in the East China Sea and broke through the oil export in the East China Sea and opened up a new situation of finding oil in the sea of ​​China. The State Oceanic Administration A comprehensive survey of marine geology in a specific sea area of ​​the Pacific Ocean and a comprehensive examination of the Antarctic make The great goal of ascertaining the sea of ​​China, marching to the oceans, and boarding on Antarctica has been gradually realized.A large number of articles submitted to the conference are about the survey results in coastal areas and offshore areas, and one salient feature is that it embodies the scientific and technological orientation toward economic construction These achievements have provided very valuable information on the development and utilization of the coastal zone, the development of marine mineral resources, coastal engineering construction and environmental protection.
本文首先论述了会计集中核算范围.继而分析了实行会计集中核算存在的问题,最后提出了完善会计集中核算的策略,以期对我国当前机关事业单位会计集中核算问题提供一点帮助。 T
摘要:随着生活水平的提高,健身保健意识在大多数人中增强起来,但对健身的方法、认识仍然还存在一些错误的认识。有些健身者还不能用实事求是的态度科学的来进行健身活动,这必然会影响锻炼的效果和积极性,阻碍我们进行身体锻炼。通过对大众健身锻炼的调查了解、分析,得出在健身内容、方法、时间、地点等方面的一些不同认识,为健身锻炼者提供一些参考意见和建议。  关键词:健身锻炼生活锻炼活动时间活动地点比较分析    
中国工业经济协会会长吕东提出实现企业经营机制的转换,需要正确处理以下五个关系: ——正确处理国家与企业的关系。国家与企业的关系,其核心是政府对企业采取什么样政策的