
来源 :国际法研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangyingzhou
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2015年10月29日,依据《联合国海洋法公约》附件七,由菲律宾单方请求组成的仲裁庭以全体一致的方式,对菲律宾单方提起的仲裁请求作出了关于管辖权与可受理性问题的裁决。法律实践皆有相同之处,事实认定与法律适用就属于裁判过程中不可或缺的两个基本依据。而仲裁过程中的事实认定,从根本上就是裁判者对证据的采纳、评估与解释过程。这使得证据问题无疑成为仲裁的核心。因此,本文从仲裁庭裁决书的思路出发,结合国家间仲裁的特点,以事实认定和证据使用为角度,评析裁决书中在这两方面存在的问题,同时提出仲裁庭在实体阶段的审理中可能面临的问题。虽然仲裁庭在认定事实方面拥有较大的自由裁量权,但对于证据的提供、采纳、评估与解释依然需要以公平原则为基础,裁决书中所暴露的事实认定和证据使用不同程度的问题,在实体阶段将会更为严重,并最终影响法律适用以及仲裁的公平与公正。 On 29 October 2015, pursuant to Annex VII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, an arbitral tribunal composed of unilateral petitions from the Philippines made a unanimous decision that the Philippines solemnly file a request for arbitration on jurisdiction and admissibility . The legal practice has the same place, the fact cognition and the law application belong to the two basic basis that the referee process indispensable. However, the factual determination in the arbitration process is fundamentally the process of the referees’ adoption, evaluation and explanation of evidence. This makes the issue of evidence undoubtedly the center of arbitration. Therefore, starting from the idea of ​​the arbitral tribunal’s award, combining with the characteristics of the arbitration between countries, this essay evaluates the existing problems in the arbitration from the facts and the use of the evidence. At the same time, Possible problems. Although the arbitral tribunal has greater discretion in ascertaining the facts, it still needs to use fair principles as the basis for providing, adopting, assessing and interpreting the evidences. The factual findings and the evidences used in the judgments require different degrees of use, It will be more serious in the substantive phase and will ultimately affect the application of law and the fairness and fairness of arbitration.
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