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北京芋在我省农村大面积种植多年,农民将它种在房前屋后、田边土角、荒坡瘠地、塘边渠畔。由于它耐瘠薄旱涝,不争地、争肥,亩产5,000—15,000斤。按12%的出粉计算,每亩可产淀粉600—1,800斤,超过粮食经济收入的3—4倍,茎、叶和粉渣又是畜禽饲料。北京芋又称芭蕉芋、蕉藕,是高产淀粉和饲北京芋的淀粉用途很广,既是生产高级奶糖、冰淇淋、糕点、虾片的原料,又是酿造行业提取柠檬酸、味精、酒精、白酒的原料,还是医药上生产葡萄糖针剂、粉剂、片剂的辅助料,也是纺织、浆纱、造纸、印染各种粘合剂的原料。但是,北京芋的广泛用途未被人们完全利用。现将我县群众多年加工北京芋淀粉、粉丝的生产技术介绍于下: Beijing taro cultivation in large areas in rural areas in our province for many years, farmers planted it in front of houses, soil angle, barren wasteland, pond side of the canal. Because of its resistance to infertility drought, indisputable, fight fat, yield 5,000-15,000 pounds. According to 12% of the powder calculation, per mu can produce 600-1,800 pounds of starch, more than 3-4 times the economic income of the grain, stems, leaves and powder residue is livestock feed. Beijing taro also known as banana taro, banana lotus, is a high-yielding starch and starch Beijing Amorphophallus is widely used not only for the production of high-grade candy, ice cream, cakes, shrimp slices of raw materials, but also the brewing industry to extract citric acid, MSG, alcohol, Liquor raw materials, or pharmaceutical production of glucose injection, powder, tablet auxiliary material, but also textile, sizing, paper, printing and dyeing all kinds of adhesives raw materials. However, the widespread use of taro has not been fully utilized by people. Now many years my county processing potato starch Beijing, fans of the production technology introduced in the next:
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