Low starting temperature (CSP), high self-fertility and high outcrossed seed setting rate are important for the preparation of homozygous hybrid seeds and economical self-propagating seeds for thermo-sensitive genic male-sterile rice lines. In this study, the effects of different environments on the selection efficiency of these traits were analyzed. The results showed that the starting temperature, male fertile male fertility, stigma exsertion rate, panicle elongation, The effect of adaptation is affected by the environment. Under certain circumstances, the high expression of these traits in the genetic material did not result in a high degree of differentiation, since in this case traits performed more consistently across strains, and the temperature-sensitive nuclear male sterility gene (tms) Male sterility also showed similar results, so it is considered necessary to make the choice under suitable circumstances conducive to the differentiation of genetic type. Selective low-CSP and high self-bred male fertility at relatively low temperatures have a higher selection efficiency; selective stigma exposure is more effective at higher humidity, while selection of spikes at high temperatures High efficiency and high efficiency of growth and adaptability of CMS in a relatively low soil fertility environment.