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改革开放正进入攻坚阶段,各级领导面临的任务十分艰巨,需要解决和克服的问题及困难很多,纷繁复杂,千头万绪.作为管理一方、为官一任的地方党委、政府,把什么做为各项工作的切入点,是一个十分重要的问题.山东省即墨市按照党中央、国务院及上级党委、政府关于廉政建设的部署,从1998年初以来,树立廉政第一的思想.按照“抓班子、带队伍、树形象,抓思想、转作风、树正气”的路子,从领导干部特别是各级主要领导干部做起,从解决人民群众广泛关注的热点、难点问题入手,一手抓教育,一手抓惩治;一手抓制度,一手抓监督;一手抓纠风,一手抓建设,并从事后的纪律、刑罚惩治为主向事前的制度、机制防范为主过渡,在全市形成了“党委统一领导,党政齐抓共管,纪委组织协调,部门各负其责,群众积极参与”的廉政建设工作机制,构筑了防腐抗变的大堤,从而不仅使廉政建设取得了显著成绩,而且有效地保障了该市各项工作的顺利开展. The reform and opening up are entering a crucial stage. Leaders at all levels are facing arduous tasks. Many problems and difficulties need to be solved and overcome. They are numerous and complicated and are in a multitude of situations. As a local party committee and government that manages one party and serves as the official office, what should be done? As an entry point for all the work, it is a very important issue. In accordance with the arrangements made by the Central Party Committee, the State Council, the party committees and governments at higher levels on the building of an honest and clean government, Jimo City in Shandong Province has set up the concept of the first honest and clean government since the beginning of 1998. According to “ Starting with the leading cadres, especially the leading cadres at all levels, starting from the solution to the hot and difficult issues of widespread concern of the masses of the people, and focusing on education, One hand grasp the punishment; one hand grasp the system, the one hand, supervision; hand grasp the rectification of wind, one hand and construction, and engaged in discipline, punish punishment mainly to the ex ante system, the mechanism to prevent the main transition in the city formed a ”unified leadership of party committees, Party and government make concerted efforts, the discipline inspection commission organizes and coordinates the departments responsible for their work, and the masses actively participate in "the working mechanism for building a clean and honest government and has constructed a embankment that is resistant to corrosion and changes, Make clean government has made remarkable achievements, but also effectively safeguard the smooth development of the work of the city.
【内容摘要】本文围绕小组合作学习模式的开展,分析高中历史教学的有效手段,并主要从课前合作、課中合作与课后合作三个层面展开系统论述,整合基于小组合作探究模式下的高中历史教学方案,以提高历史教学质量。  【关键词】高中历史 小组合作 方法策略  高中生个体能力有限,在历史学习方面时常会出现这样那样的问题。而且由于受到时间的限制,历史教师又不能及时地了解全体学生存在的疑惑和问题,导致部分学生的学习障碍无
1988年~1998年间我院共收治挫伤性前房出血63例,其中15岁以下儿童51例,占81%。现讨论如下:临床资料1-一般资料 男性47例,占92-2%,女性4例,占7-8%。年龄3~15岁,平均11岁,其中3~6岁8例,7~15岁43例。均为单眼,右眼2 Between 1988 and 1998,
1995年10月~1998年5月,我科采用微波热凝治疗鼻衄152例,电灼治疗180例,随访半年以上,分析后证实:微波治疗方法易操作,疗效好,现报道如下:临床资料 微波治疗组:152例,男88例,女64例,年龄3~69岁,平均18岁,病程最短20分钟,最长