加强党的建设 促进税收工作——济宁市国家税务局党建工作巡礼

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山东省济宁市国家税务局建局近7年来,紧紧围绕全市工作大局和税收中心工作,以“法治、公平、文明、效率”新时期治税思想为指导,以加强机关党的建设,充分发挥党组织的战斗堡垒作用和党员干部的先锋模范作用,有力地促进了各项工作。一、抓班子,发挥整体工作效能发挥堡垒作用,关键是筑好堡垒。为此,市局十分重视各级班子建设,注重整体功能的发挥。近年来,局领导以“三讲”教育和机关思想、作风、纪律“三整顿”为契机,集中查摆了班子自身存在的问 In the past seven years since the establishment of the State Revenue Administration of Jining City, Shandong Province, we have been working closely with the overall work of the city and the work of the tax center with guidance of the tax administration in the new era of “rule of law, fairness, civilization and efficiency” to strengthen the party building , Giving full play to the party’s role as a fighting bastion and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and cadres, effectively promoting various tasks. First, grasping the team, to play the overall effectiveness of the work to play a fortress, the key is to build a fort. To this end, the Municipal Bureau attaches great importance to the construction of all levels of the team, focusing on the overall function of play. In recent years, bureau leaders have focused their efforts on examining the existence of their own team with the guidance of “three stresses” education and the ideology, style and discipline of the organs and “three reorganizations”
1  雾霭笼罩着阴山  抵达胸膛  草木,河流  风的声音转瞬即逝  蛰伏的冬  顺着窗沿流淌  这是包克图的早春  初恋的心,让死去的复活  一匹马奔跑,一群马奔跑  生的狂欢,死的寂寥  在赛罕塔拉,在阿尔丁大街  春打开了欲望的匣子  花的气息扑面而来  占领了角落  焰火升腾消失  留下了挂在天边的月2  一朵花在窗口  吐露着幽香  从开放到凋谢  一场爱渐渐地凋零  记忆晶莹剔透  没
Are we all geeks now?  现在人人都是极客吗?  The word “geek” originally meant someone eccentric or outside of the mainstream. It gradually evolved to mean someone obsessed with an intellectual pursuit. A geek i