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  The five-episode documentary series, '"Year in Tibet," follows the calendar year of a small town in Gyantse in the southern part of the Tibetan Autonomous Region. Gyantse is a town mixing the ancient and the modern. It comprises tiny streets with traditional wooden houses but also boasts some modern commercial centers. Here cows and bikes as well as travelers in modern cars all vie for their positions along the old streets. The series recorded the lives of eight ordinary Tibetans. Among them are a restaurant owner, a village doctor, a rickshaw driver, a lama, a female official and a labor contractor.4 The documentary, first broadcast in BBC on March 2008, drew worldwide attention for its detailed description of ordinary Tibetans. It has been so far shown on TV in more than 4o countries and regions.
On his deathbed, they say, Leonardo da Vinci regretted that he had left so much unfinished.
I do not have any family members who are afflicted with AIDS. I do not know anyone in my immediate circle who suffers from this transnational epidemic. In essence,for a very long time, HIV/AIDS was an
陈榕 译  The first point to which attention should be called is that the comic does not exist outside the pale of what is strictly HUMAN. A landscape may be beautiful, charming and sublime, or insignific
说到美国一流名校,人们往往会想到“常春藤联盟”(The Ivy League):哈佛(Harvard University)、耶鲁(Yale University)、普林斯顿(Princeton University)、哥伦比亚(columbia University)、布朗(Brown university)、宾夕法尼亚(The University of Pennsylvania),康奈尔(c
上一期专栏讲的是two sides to every story(任何事都具有两面性),这让我很自然想到了Every coin has two sides.这句话的字面意思是“每个硬币都有正反两面”,引申义也就是“任何事都具有两面性”,跟there are two sides to every Story一样。这似乎很顺理成章,没什么可多说的。但问题在于,中国学生太偏爱这个硬币的比喻了。尤其在写作
In 1792, Spain, reigned by King Carlos IV but ruled by the Spanish Inquisition, was affected by the turmoil and upheaval of the Revolution in neighboring France.Francisco Goya is a renowned painter wh
16.1 季氏将伐颛臾。冉有、季路见于孔子,曰“季氏将有事于颛臾。”
“奥巴马”成形容词    The sixth edition of UCLA Slang is being published recently and it is just "presh!"