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“9.21”大地震后,台湾房屋全倒或半倒的近1万户,除了燃眉之急的灾民安置问题外,接踵而来的是这些毁损房屋受灾户背后扛着的一大笔购房贷款。灾民已家毁人亡,甚至失去经济来源,是否还有按月供款的能力?而重建家园马上又要一笔庞大的重建贷款,灾民是否有能力承担? (一)灾民的心声 “我家连房子都没了,却要负担一大堆贷款,现在租房子又要钱。政府决定发补助,可到现在还领不到。别说重建家园要5年,我现在连5个月都撑不下去了”“这几个小孩,都是小学生、中 After the “9.21” earthquake, nearly 10,000 families were totally collapsed or half-tumbled in Taiwan. Apart from the urgent need for resettlement of victims, a large loan purchase was carried behind the damaged houses. The victims have already destroyed their homes and even lost their financial resources. Are they still able to make monthly contributions? Once again, they need a huge reconstruction loan to rebuild their homes. Are the victims able to take the loan? The house is gone, but have to bear a lot of loans, and now rent a house and money. The government decided to send grants, but now also can not get. Not to rebuild their homes to 5 years, I now even five months to sustain Go on “” These children, are primary school students
Sponsored by the Ministry of Machinery Industry (MMI), the opening ceremony of Auto Parts PSE ’95 was held in Beijing on Oct. 14th of 1995. Auto Parts PSE ’9
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若要保证挠性管在陆上与海上的操作安全、经济并取得成功 ,掌握随时访问挠性管实际情况及运行状况的实时数据是极其关键的。通过一个全自动在线挠性管操作监控系统收集和处理
Ascorbic acid in individual human neutrophils was determined by capillary zoneelectrophoresis with electrochemical detection. In order to overcome the influence
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Since 1983, China has issued 14 motor vehicle emission control standards and 3 are for motorcycles emission control standards. See Table 1. Since 1983, China