
来源 :中学物理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wd1219981997
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与其它分科课程相比,自然科学课程超越学科的界限,强调各学科领域知识的相互渗透和联系整合.联想教学法是适应这一课程特点的有效教学方法之一.联想教学法是指师生在教学过程中将被研究的客体与某些与之有共同点(或对立点)的事物进行对照比较,通过联想而获得感悟与启示的教学方法,它具有整体辐射和触类旁通的特点.一、联想教学法的分类1.接近联想教学法通过事物之间在时间和空间上的接近性引 Compared with other subjects, natural science courses transcend the boundaries of disciplines, emphasizing the mutual penetration and integration of knowledge in various subject areas. The associative teaching method is one of the effective teaching methods to adapt to the characteristics of the curriculum. The associative teaching method refers to teachers and students. In the teaching process, the object being studied is compared with some things that have common points (or opposite points), and the teaching method of sentiment and revelation is acquired through association. It has the characteristics of integral radiation and comprehension. Assortment of Associative Approaches 1. Approaching Lenovo’s approach to teaching through the proximity of things in time and space
我讲了几年初三物理课,在讲述电学中的电子移动时,自制了一个小实验,通过演示教学,效果很好,现介绍如下: When I talked about physics classes in the third and third ye
前些天到深圳参加一个杂文研讨会,安排住在月亮湾“青青世界”。我不久前重读董说的《西游补》,书中写孙悟空“三调芭蕉扇”之后去化斋,被鲭鱼精所迷,撞入 A few days ago t
鱼类对营养物质的需要,在质上与高等动物大体相同,但在量上却存在着许多差別。鱼类的生命全过程均需要蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化 Fish’s nutrient requirements are qualitati
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软珊瑚(Soft coral)含有多种结构新颖的萜类、甾醇等有机化合物,对其药用价值的研究,目前,在国内外已受到广泛的重视。并且现在已经发现不少种类具有抗菌、抗癌等生理活性。