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关于师范生的待遇,省府过去虽曾有统一规定,但各地并未普遍执行,因而各校标准高低不一。现因中等学校经费统一管理,师范生待遇标准必须一致,加之师范生待遇理应较干部生活标准稍低,兹根据目前整个财经困难情况,及华东军政委员会教育部关于教育经费的统一规定,对师范生待遇,作如下规定:一、自一九五○年六月一日起,师范生供给一律改为每人每月小米六十斤(按日以二斤计),各校必须贯彻执行,不得改变。平时请假回家及寒暑麦秋等假期不发伙食(如有留校者需经请示批准方可开支)。 With regard to the treatment of normal school students, although the provincial government used to have unified regulations in the past, it has not been universally implemented everywhere, and the standards of schools vary. Due to the unified management of secondary school funds, the standard for the treatment of normal school students must be the same. In addition, the standard of normal secondary school students should be lower than the standard of living of the cadres. According to the current financial difficulties and the unified regulations on education funding of the Ministry of Education of the East China Military Commission, the The following provisions are made: 1. From 1 June 1950, the supply of normal school students will be changed to 60 pounds per person per month (in pounds per day), and each school must implement it. Can not be changed. Usually leave home and winter and summer wheat autumn and other holidays do not send meals (if there are those who stay in the school must be approved by the request before spending).
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同学们,当你解题感觉思维发乱的时候,不妨冷静下来试作张草图,或许这张草图就能帮你走出困境.例1 一块冰内有一小石块,放入盛有水的量筒内,正好悬浮于水中,此时量筒内的水面
题目如图1所示,A、B、C 三只相同的试管,用细绳栓住封闭端悬挂在天花板上,开口端插入水银槽中,试管内封有气体.三管静止时三根细绳的张力分别为 F_A,F_D、F_C,A 管内水银面
太湖地处长江三角州的南缘,跨江、浙两省,为我国著名的五大淡水湖泊之一。全湖面积2250平方公里,约合337.5万亩。 太湖地区气候温和,雨量充沛,水系发达;水位稳定,湖底平坦;